Gå* (Go)

Gå* (Go) (2020) was an outdoors audio theatre and wandering theatre production by Goksøyr & Martens in collaboration with Ultima Oslo Contemporary Music Festival and The Norwegian Theatre. The text for the production was written by Toril Goksøyr and Camilla Martens. was the fifth and last part of the pentalogy Livet* (Life).

Toril Goksøyr and Camilla Martens directed it.

*Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


(Objekt ID 105249)
Object type Production
Premiere September 14, 2020
Produced by The Norwegian Theatre,
In collaboration with Ultima
Audience Adults
Audience size 1342
Number of events 79
Language Norwegian Nynorsk
Keywords Theatre, Corona-production, Wandering Theatre, Drama, Audio Theatre
Running period September 14, 2020  
Duration Approximately one hour
Website Det Norske Teatret


The Norwegian Theatre, www.detnorsketeatret.no, 12.10.2020, https://www.detnorsketeatret.no/framsyningar/ga

Performance dates
September 14, 2020Oslos gater (Ultima) Worldwide premiere
Festivals (1)
Ultima September 14, 2020