Robyn Hood okkuperer Brekkeparken* (Robyn Hood occupies Brekkeparken)

Robyn Hood okkuperer Brekkeparken* (Robyn Hood occupies Brekkeparken) (2020) was an outdoor theatre production for children by Ibsen Theatre. The production was performed in the park Brekkeparken, Skien.

Sjur Marqvardsen directed it.

Robyn Hood okkuperer Brekkeparken was performed both as an open family production for free, and for school pupils as part of The Cultural Rucksack.

In Robyn Hood okkuperer Brekkeparken, the title role was a girl.

*Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


(Objekt ID 104706)
Object type Production
Premiere August 21, 2020
Produced by Ibsen Theatre
Audience Children (from 4)
Language Norwegian
Keywords Corona-production, Performance for children, Outdoors theatre
Running period August 21, 2020  
Duration 50 minutes
Website Teater Ibsen


Import from the list of openings 28.09.2020

Ibsen Theatre,, 28.09.2020,

Contributors (9)
Name Role
Thomas Bye – Script
Sjur Marqvardsen – Direction
Jannicke Irwin Abrahamsen – Actor
Thomas Bye – Actor (Vikar som Lille-John)
Mathilde Skarpsno – Actor
Hanne Amalie Smestad – Actor
Joakim Thrane – Actor
Morten Berntsen – Stage manager
Morten Berntsen – Tour manager