Title (17) File type Publiseringsdato Download
Anmeldelse av Dirk Fuhrig, 19.11.94, i Frankfurter Rundschau av Baktruppens produksjon "Tonight :-)" pdf Navember 19, 1994 Download
Anmeldelse av Jo Bech-Karlsen, 28.04.95, i Bergens Tidende av Baktruppens produksjon "Tonight :-)" pdf April 28, 1995 Download
Anmeldelse av Till Briegleb, 30.09.94, i Die Tageszeitung av Baktruppens produksjon "Tonight :-)" (1994) pdf September 30, 1994 Download
Anmeldelse av Ulrike Moser, 20.11.94, i Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung av Baktruppens produksjon "Tonight :-)" pdf Navember 20, 1994 Download
Anmeldelse i Hamburger Abendblatt, 30.09.94, av Baktruppens produksjon "Tonight :-)" pdf September 30, 1994 Download
Artikkel, Knut Ove Arntzen, Ibsen Theatre Symposium/Universitetet i Oslo, 1996 pdf 1996 Download
Brev til Black Box i forbindelsen med Baktruppens produksjon "Tonight :-)" (1994) pdf Download
Excerpt from the festival magazine of Electra '96 about Tonight :-) pdf Download
Festival program for The Theatre Festival in Kongsvinger 1995 pdf April 1995 Download
Festivalprogram for festivalen Electra '96. pdf 1996 Download
Infoark, av Baktruppens produksjon "Tonight :-)" (1994) pdf Download
Omtale av Fredik Rütter om Baktruppens produksjon "Tonight :-)" (1994) pdf Download
Omtale av Inger-Margrethe Lunde, 17.01.96, i Klassekampen om Baktruppens produksjon "Tonight :-)" (1994) pdf Download
Program for Baktruppens produksjon Tonight :-) (1994) pdf March 29, 1995 Download
Program til Baktruppens produksjon "Tonight :-)" (1994) pdf September 28, 1994 Download
Program til Baktruppens produksjon "Tonight :-)" (1994) pdf April 4, 1995 Download
Programtekst for "Tonight :-)" pdf 1995 Download

Tonight :-)

Tonight :-)(1994) was a production by Baktruppen. Tonight :-) took use of technological innovation. It was interactive and used the internet and messages received via a computer to keep the narrative moving. The audience sat on the floor on a total of 250 square meters of Persian carpets.


(Objekt ID 10363)
Object type Production
Premiere September 28, 1994
Produced by Baktruppen
Coproducers Kampnagel International Summer Festival, , Hebbel am Ufer, BIT Teatergarasjen
Audience Adults
Number of events 22
Keywords Performance, Post-dramatic theatre, Theatre, Multidisciplinary, Multimedia, Ambient theatre
Running period September 28, 1994  —  March 17, 1996
Website Baktruppen

Tonight :-) by Baktruppen worked as a hypertext, that is, a text with active links within the text, about its own performance. The themes of Tonight were industry (the history of the Kampnagel factory), technology, time and memory. The text was constantly twisted and the words changed. The performers were dressed in evening gowns. They used a mix of electronic and acoustic music, with an accordion and other instruments, and they made their own songs.

Baktruppen says the following about the production: "As the first Nordic theatre company Baktruppen took use of the internet, and by discussing the partly ridiculously naive future visions of the internet public, plus further developing the hacker jargon in the way of parody, they could all of a sudden recognise the mentality of the working class culture of the beginning of the 20th century, hidden behind the curtain of history."

In the program for Electra96 the following could be read:

"Baktruppen soon is better known in Europe than at home. In TONIGHT III we are connected to the internet, and during the whole performance lays the opportunity to be connected to 30 million people, as a trembling undertone. Messages keep coming in from the internet, being captured and integrated in the performance. The musical antics of TONIGHT III make up a story of their own. Have to be experienced! Welcome to the global village, in which Norway is in Brainscape, a part of Freudland, - and brains are wetware."

Baktruppen produced three productions under the Tonight:-) umbrella: Tonight:-), Tonight:-) II and Tonight III

Tonight :-) was supported by the Norwegian Ministry for Foreign Affairs/MFA.


Baktruppen, 03.01.2011, http://www.baktruppen.org/

Baktruppens arkiv. Giver: Baktruppen. 04.03.2011.

Contributors (11)
Name Role
Tone Avenstroup – Co-creator
Erik Balke – Co-creator
Øyvind Berg – Co-creator
Trine Falch – Co-creator
Gisle Frøysland – Co-creator
Ingvild Holm – Co-creator
Jørgen Knudsen – Co-creator
Gurå Mathiesen Bjørre – Co-creator
Clay Shirky – Co-creator
Bo Krister Wallström – Co-creator
Worm Winther – Co-creator
Festivals (3)