Tilgivelse* (Forgiveness)

Tilgivelse* (Forgiveness) by Tara Teateret (The Tara Theatre) is a performance and an outdoors project/installation with collected texts from invited participators. The texts, with thoughts and ideas regarding the subject "forgiveness" hung in trees and were planted in earth. The performance was a testimony of the options and choices of people.

*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


(Objekt ID 1003)
Object type Production
Premiere May 3, 2007
Produced by Tara Teatret (The Tara Theatre)
Audience Youth, Adults (from 16)
Language Norwegian
Keywords Multidisciplinary, Performance, Installation
Running period May 3, 2007  
Website Tara Teateret

Requirements to venue

Blackout No

Tilgivelse* (Forgiveness) by Tara Teateret (The Tara Theatre) was a site-specific art project changing expression due to where the performance was presented. It was presented in Oslo in 2007, during the art festival Oslo Open, near the Police Headquarters in the borough of Grønland. The project took place as an outdoors project, which could be visited 24 hours a day.

Tilgivelse was made to raise discussion and create reflection related to "forgiveness". Different persons were asked to deliver texts and thoughts regarding the theme. The work of Tara Teateret (The Tara Teater) was made in an interdisciplinary expression in which performance, object and text material were included and the interpretation is left to the audience’s meeting with the art work.

The performance Tilgivelse took place as an interactive happening, in which the participators also discussed forgiveness using each other as discussion partners, and all the texts were collected in Tilgivelsens Bok (literally: Book of Forgiveness), which one could read and add one’s own comments in. The project was later presented during the international conference Urban Interface under direction of Atelier Nord.

"My work consists of a cross-over expression in which I used performance, objects and text material, in which the interpretation lies in the meeting between audience and art work. I use themes and thoughts I am concerned with as a foundation, and involve others in social happenings in which they can take part in the art work. This way we communally enhance the issues and create new rooms for interaction and new experiences, plus insight. The performances often arise in the rooms created through other artistic expressions," Aase‐Hilde Brekke says.


Tara Teateret (The Tara Theatre), 29.11.2010, http://www.taramedia.no/Tilgivelse_web.pdf

The Norwegian Association of Performing Arts/NAPA, 29.11.2010, http://www.danseogteatersentrum.no/sck/members.shtml?lang=nor&sam=&cat=&gen=&cou=&cri=Tara%20Teateret&aid=908&prid=9&act=prod

*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.

Contributors (2)
Name Role
Aase-Hilde Brekke – Concept/Idea
Aase-Hilde Brekke – Performer
Performance dates
May 6, 2007Botsparken / Grønlands park Show
May 5, 2007Botsparken / Grønlands park Show
May 4, 2007Botsparken / Grønlands park Show
May 3, 2007Botsparken / Grønlands park Worldwide premiere