Fredrik Hossmann Teater

Fredrik Hossmann Teater was established in 1990, performing theatre productions and concerts for children, youth and adults, based in theatre, playing and improvisation. Live music is an important element in the theatre productions, just like theatre is in the concerts. Fredrik Hossmann is the artistic manager and the core of the theatre company. He uses his rich experience as an actor, writer, singer, dancer, instructor, musician, composer, clown, street artist and multi discipline artist.


(Objekt ID 2836)
Object type Organization
Organization type Theatre company
Main focus Theatre, Music, Multidisciplinary art
Established 1990
Expressions Theatre

Contact information

Address Tøyengata 29a, 0578 Oslo, Norway
Telefon 98031476

Other information

Legal entity Sole Proprietorship/Self-employed business/ENK

Fredrik Hossmann’s philosophy is that naming a production not yet made is like naming a child not yet born. "This is why I no longer have any amazing titles of concepts. I either come alone or with musicians. We or I can make a performance or a concert for children or adults", he says.


Danse- og teatersentrum,Teatersentrums Katalog 1997, 09.10.2019

Hossmann, Fredrik. epost 20.02.2013

Performance dates
Title Premiere
Byen uten navn – 1992 – Fredrik Hossmann Teater
Contributors (1)
Fredrik Hossmann – Artistic director