Liset Productions

Liset Productions AKA Liset Produksjoner is managed by Marte Liset. Liset Productions is located in Tromsø.


(Objekt ID 11010)
Object type Organization
Also known as Liset Produksjoner
Organization type Producing
Main focus Theatre

Contact information

Address Tromsø, Norway
Telefon 414 98 929

Other information

Legal entity Sole Proprietorship/Self-employed business/ENK
Org nr. 996 061 868

Liset Productions produces performing arts and offers classes and educational services within drama, theatre and storytelling. The firm is stationed in Tromsø and is run by Marte Liset.

During the season of 2010/2011 Liset Productions made the production Trompetkonserten* (The Trumpet Concert) – a travelling concert performance for children aged 3-6 years.

Source: E-mail from Marte Liset, 5.2.2011

*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.

Own productions (1)
Contributors (1)