Performance program for The National Sami Theatre Beaivváš's production Gurut guvlui Heahtás / Vasemmalle Hetasta / Til venstre i Hetta (2014)


(Objekt ID 70142)
Object type Multimedia
Published October 3, 2014
Digitalized 2015
Accession date January 25, 2017
Category Text / Programme

©  The National Sami Theatre Beaivváš

Colours Colour
Page count 20 pages
Background material Paper
Illustration Illustrated
Themes Program, Theatre
Language Northern Sami, Norwegian Bokmål, Finnish

Performance program for The National Sami Theatre Beaivváš's production Gurut guvlui Heahtás / Vasemmalle Hetasta / Til venstre i Hetta (2014) 

The programwas digitised by The National Library of Norway.


The National Library of Norway, transferred to Sceneweb   13.08.2015

Affiliations (2)