Program for The National Theatre's production En får væra som en er* (One should be how one is) (2014)


(Objekt ID 50519)
Object type Multimedia
Published April 4, 2014
Digitalized 2015
Accession date September 16, 2015
Category Text / Programme

© The National Theatre

Colours Colour
Page count 31 pages
Background material Paper
Illustration Illustrated
Themes Program, Musical theatre
Language Norwegian Bokmål

Performance program for The National Theatre's production En får væra som en er* (One should be how one is) (2014).

The program is digitised by The National Library of Norway.


The National Library of Norway, transferred to Sceneweb 13.08.2015

*Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.

Affiliations (1)