Opinion article in Norsk Shakespeare- og teatertidsskrift about Kiss the Frog (2005) at The National Museum


(Objekt ID 39401)
Object type Multimedia
Published 2005
Digitalized 2005
Category Text / Comment

©  Elisabeth Leinslie

Colours Black/white
Page count Two pages
Background material PDF
Illustration Not illustrated
Themes Comment, Theatre, Performance
Language Norwegian Bokmål

Det utvidede kunstfeltet (literally: The expanded field of arts). Opinion article about The National Museum's international performing arts program during Kiss the Frog! The art of transformation. The article was published in Norsk Shakespeare- og teatertidsskrift No. 3-4/2005.

Text by: Elisabeth Leinslie


Elisabeth Leinslie's private archive, donated by Elisabeth Leinslie.13.05.2014

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