The Ibsen Prize AKA The Norwegian Ibsen Award 2011

The Norwegian Ibsen Award AKA The Ibsen Prize 2011

The Ibsen Prize (sometimes called The National Ibsen Award) is an award given out by the municipality of Skien, for long the only playwright award in the country. It was awarded for the first time in 1986, and consists of 150 000 Norwegian kroner and a statuette by Nina Sundbye.

The Ibsen Prize is awarded a Norwegian playwright who has had a new work for children or adults produced by a professional theatre the past year, or for the playwright's collected writing. A special jury selects the winner.

In 2011 the jury considered 49 scripts, all of which had had world wide premieres at Norwegian venues or in Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama department in 2010.


Scenekunst,, 20.09.2011,

  • Lennart Lidström

    "Lennart Lidström has written an imaginative play, linguistically gifted, humorous, daredevil. Among much else bigotry is confronted, considerately and wisely disposed. A full-length dialogue - an imagined dialogue, sure - one can see it becoming long and verbose. But Pingviner i Sahara* (Penguins in The Sahara) is never experienced as too long drawn. On the contrary one gets the feeling of getting closer and nearer to these two persons. They expose new sides of themselves, but the writer is faithful to the authentic persons, however different they were, even though they had so much background in common. A wise play, filled with empathy with Jonsson and Prøysen, and with a fair share of self-depreciation and joking, so that the humour, too, is well maintained", the jury says in the explanation for the award.

    Pingviner i Sahara is a fictional story about real persons; the Norwegian poets Alf Prøysen and Tor Jonsson.

    Source:, 20.09.2011,

    *Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.

Nominated (3)
  • Ole Asbjørn Ness

    Ole Asbjørn Ness was nominated for the play FlavaLaden, with its world wide premiere through a radio theatre broadcast by Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation September 5 2010.

  • Eirik Fauske

    Eirik Fauske was nominated for the play Under barnehagen* (Under the Kindergarten), world wide premiere at Dramatikkens Hus April 24 2010.

    *Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.

  • Lennart Lidström

    Lennart Lindstrøm was nominated for the play Pingviner i Sahara* (Penguins in The Sahara), with its world wide premiere in Teater Innlandet January 22 2010. The play was written on commission from Hedmark Theatre/Teater Innlandet and has visited The Norwegian Theatre and The National Theatre of Norway. Pingviner i Sahara was the last production Hedmark Theatre made prior to establishing Teater Innlandet.

    *Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.