Romeo og Julie (The Norwegian Theatre) |
January 13, 2023 |
Actor (Romeo) |
Faderen (The Norwegian Theatre) |
May 7, 2022 |
Actor (Doktoren) |
A particle of God (The Norwegian Theatre) |
Navember 10, 2021 |
Actor, Script |
Peer Gynt (The Norwegian Theatre) |
May 8, 2020 |
Actor (Knappestøperen) |
Til ettertiden (sammen hver for seg)* (For Posterity - together apart) (Oslo Nye Teater (Oslo New Theatre)) |
April 30, 2020 |
Actor |
Utafor* (Outside) (The Norwegian Theatre) |
April 17, 2020 |
Direction |
Abraham's Children (The Norwegian Theatre) |
April 10, 2020 |
Actor |
Peer Gynt (The Norwegian Theatre) |
September 9, 2018 |
Actor (Knappestøyparen) |
Utafor* (Outside) (The Norwegian Theatre) |
April 13, 2018 |
Concept/Idea, Direction, Script |
Etterlyst: Jesus (The Norwegian Theatre) |
August 27, 2016 |
Performer |
Andre verdskrigen* (World War II) (The Norwegian Theatre) |
February 27, 2016 |
Actor |
Peer Gynt (The Peer Gynt Festival) |
2016 |
Actor (Knappestøperen) |
Kven er redd* (Who's Afraid?) (The Norwegian Theatre) |
Navember 13, 2015 |
Actor (Arnljot, far til Ingvild) |
Brand (The Norwegian Theatre) |
January 9, 2015 |
Actor (Brand) |
Peer Gynt (The Peer Gynt Festival) |
2015 |
Actor (Knappestøperen) |
Mostraspelet - Kristkongane på Moster (Teater VestlandBømlo Teater) |
2015 |
Direction |
Ocean (Bergen International FestivalThe Norwegian TheatreDet Vestnorske TeateretBondeungdomslaget i Oslo) |
May 22, 2014 |
Actor (Den eldre mannen) |
Abraham's Children (The Norwegian Theatre) |
January 14, 2014 |
Concept/Idea, Actor |
Peer Gynt (The Peer Gynt Festival) |
2014 |
Actor (Knappestøperen) |
Mostraspelet - Kristkongane på Moster (Teater VestlandBømlo Teater) |
2014 |
Direction |
Faust (The Norwegian Theatre) |
October 18, 2013 |
Actor (Mefisto) |
Songs of the Beehive (The Norwegian Theatre) |
April 12, 2013 |
Actor (Martini 2003) |
Songs of the Beehive (The Norwegian Theatre) |
2013 |
Actor (Martini 2003) |
Mostraspelet - Kristkongane på Moster (Teater VestlandBømlo Teater) |
2013 |
Direction |
Mostraspelet - Kristkongane på Moster (Teater VestlandBømlo Teater) |
2012 |
Direction |
Tvil (The Norwegian Theatre) |
Navember 11, 2011 |
Actor |
Abraham's Children (The Norwegian Theatre) |
September 9, 2011 |
Concept/Idea, Actor |
Profitøren (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
April 21, 2011 |
Actor (Otto Langholm, skipsreder, stemme fra krigen) |
Tvil (The Norwegian Theatre) |
February 24, 2011 |
Actor |
Mostraspelet - Kristkongane på Moster (Teater VestlandBømlo Teater) |
2011 |
Direction |
Den stygge (The Norwegian Theatre) |
March 19, 2010 |
Actor (Lette) |
Love’s Second Surprise (The Norwegian Theatre) |
January 15, 2010 |
Actor (Chevalieren) |
Mostraspelet - Kristkongane på Moster (Teater VestlandBømlo Teater) |
2010 |
Direction |
Lys (The Norwegian Theatre) |
October 22, 2009 |
Actor (Faren) |
Wakefulness (The Norwegian Theatre) |
February 13, 2009 |
Actor |
Wakefulness (The Norwegian Theatre) |
January 28, 2009 |
Actor |
Mostraspelet - Kristkongane på Moster (Teater VestlandBømlo Teater) |
2009 |
Direction |
A Moon for the Misbegotten (Oslo Nye Teater (Oslo New Theatre)) |
September 6, 2008 |
Actor (James Tyrone) |
Cabaret (Trøndelag Theatre) |
April 5, 2008 |
Actor (Konferansieren) |
Ekko i det fjerne (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 20, 2008 |
Actor (James Lawson) |
Mostraspelet - Kristkongane på Moster (Teater VestlandBømlo Teater) |
2008 |
Direction, Actor (Olav Haraldson - 1998-1999 + 2005-2008 ) |
Arabian Night (The Norwegian Theatre) |
September 26, 2007 |
Actor (Hans Lomeier) |
King Lear (Trøndelag Theatre) |
January 20, 2007 |
Actor (Kong Lear) |
Mostraspelet - Kristkongane på Moster (Teater VestlandBømlo Teater) |
2007 |
Direction, Actor (Olav Haraldson - 1998-1999 + 2005-2008 ) |
Testen (The Norwegian Theatre) |
June 15, 2006 |
Actor |
Crime and Punishment (The Norwegian Theatre) |
January 18, 2006 |
Actor (Porfirij) |
Mostraspelet - Kristkongane på Moster (Teater VestlandBømlo Teater) |
2006 |
Direction, Actor (Olav Haraldson - 1998-1999 + 2005-2008 ) |
Angerhøy (The Norwegian Theatre) |
October 6, 2005 |
Actor (Carlos) |
Uten ekko (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 22, 2005 |
Actor (Høyesterettsadvokat Ole Johan Boe) |
Ivanov (The Norwegian Theatre) |
January 28, 2005 |
Actor (Ivánov, Nikoláj Alekséjevitsj, fast medlem av bondekommisjonen) |
Mostraspelet - Kristkongane på Moster (Teater VestlandBømlo Teater) |
2005 |
Direction, Actor (Olav Haraldson - 1998-1999 + 2005-2008 ) |
Silent Music (The Norwegian Theatre) |
September 4, 2004 |
Actor (Olof) |
St.Hallvardspillet. Hallvards valg (Brageteatret) |
June 16, 2004 |
Actor |
Namnet (Teaterhøgskolen) |
April 22, 2004 |
Actor (Faren (gjest)) |
Juvikfolke (The Norwegian Theatre) |
January 31, 2004 |
Actor (Otte, far til Odin) |
Mostraspelet - Kristkongane på Moster (Teater VestlandBømlo Teater) |
2004 |
Direction, Actor (Olav Haraldson - 1998-1999 + 2005-2008 ) |
Sjeler i natta (The Norwegian Theatre) |
Navember 13, 2003 |
Actor (Francis Chapell) |
Songs of the Beehive (The Norwegian Theatre) |
September 5, 2003 |
Actor (Martini 2003) |
Orestien (The Norwegian Theatre) |
January 23, 2003 |
Actor (Bodberaren / Atene) |
Mostraspelet - Kristkongane på Moster (Teater VestlandBømlo Teater) |
2003 |
Direction, Actor (Olav Haraldson - 1998-1999 + 2005-2008 ) |
Copenhagen (Thalia Teater AS) |
September 12, 2002 |
Actor (Werner Heisenberg) |
Mostraspelet - Kristkongane på Moster (Teater VestlandBømlo Teater) |
2002 |
Direction, Actor (Olav Haraldson - 1998-1999 + 2005-2008 ) |
The Acts of the Apostles (Thalia Teater AS) |
April 6, 2001 |
Actor (Forteller) |
Mostraspelet - Kristkongane på Moster (Teater VestlandBømlo Teater) |
2001 |
Direction, Actor (Olav Haraldson - 1998-1999 + 2005-2008 ) |
The Acts of the Apostles (Thalia Teater AS) |
February 16, 2000 |
Actor (Forteller) |
Mostraspelet - Kristkongane på Moster (Teater VestlandBømlo Teater) |
2000 |
Direction, Actor (Olav Haraldson - 1998-1999 + 2005-2008 ) |
The Animals in the Hunchback Wood (The National Theatre) |
March 12, 1999 |
Actor (Mikkel, en farlig rev) |
Mostraspelet - Kristkongane på Moster (Teater VestlandBømlo Teater) |
1999 |
Direction, Actor (Olav Haraldson - 1998-1999 + 2005-2008 ) |
Hamlet (The National Theatre) |
Navember 3, 1998 |
Actor (Hamlet) |
Huslæreren (The National Theatre) |
February 5, 1998 |
Actor (Grev Wermuth) |
Mostraspelet - Kristkongane på Moster (Teater VestlandBømlo Teater) |
1998 |
Direction, Actor (Olav Haraldson - 1998-1999 + 2005-2008 ) |
Goldbergvariasjoner (The National Theatre) |
April 29, 1997 |
Actor (Raamah, skuespiller) |
Mostraspelet - Kristkongane på Moster (Teater VestlandBømlo Teater) |
1997 |
Direction |
Den perfekte ektemann (The National Theatre) |
Navember 6, 1996 |
Actor (Viscount Goring) |
The Wild Duck (The National Theatre) |
August 31, 1996 |
Actor (Gregers Werle) |
Stjerneskipet Marco Polo - Prosjekt Dracos (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
February 5, 1996 |
Actor (Jason) |
Evangeliet etter Markus (The Norwegian Theatre) |
January 16, 1996 |
Actor |
Mostraspelet - Kristkongane på Moster (Teater VestlandBømlo Teater) |
1996 |
Direction |
Mattos rike (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 25, 1995 |
Actor (Pieterlen) |
Mattos rike (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 18, 1995 |
Actor (Pieterlen) |
Mattos rike (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 11, 1995 |
Actor (Pieterlen) |
The Cherry Orchard (The Norwegian Theatre) |
September 14, 1995 |
Actor (Trofimov, Pjotr Sergéjevitsj, student) |
Evangeliet etter Markus (The Norwegian Theatre) |
April 20, 1995 |
Actor |
Kanin Kanin (The Norwegian Theatre) |
February 17, 1995 |
Actor (Bert) |
Mostraspelet - Kristkongane på Moster (Teater VestlandBømlo Teater) |
1995 |
Direction |
Tida er vår heim (The Norwegian Theatre) |
September 16, 1994 |
Actor (Harald) |
Kriminalforfatteren (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
May 20, 1994 |
Actor (Edward Tilbury) |
Mostraspelet - Kristkongane på Moster (Teater VestlandBømlo Teater) |
1994 |
Direction |
Peer Gynt (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
December 28, 1993 |
Actor (Passasjeren) |
Cyrano de Bergerac (The Norwegian Theatre) |
Navember 20, 1993 |
Actor (Cyrano de Bergerac) |
Three Sisters (The Norwegian Theatre) |
September 16, 1993 |
Actor (Versjinin) |
Pinocchio (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
June 5, 1993 |
Actor (Reven) |
Dødelig orden (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
April 24, 1993 |
Actor (Murray Ryerson, journalist) |
Dødelig orden (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
April 17, 1993 |
Actor (Murray Ryerson, journalist) |
Dødelig orden (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
April 10, 1993 |
Actor (Murray Ryerson, journalist) |
Dødelig orden (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
April 3, 1993 |
Actor (Murray Ryerson, journalist) |
Dødelig orden (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 27, 1993 |
Actor (Murray Ryerson, journalist) |
Dødelig orden (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 20, 1993 |
Actor (Murray Ryerson, journalist) |
Den nye verdensorden - 2 situasjonsbeskrivelser fra verden (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
February 18, 1993 |
Actor (Des) |
Bodskapet til Maria (The Norwegian Theatre) |
January 28, 1993 |
Actor (Pierre de Craon) |
Mostraspelet - Kristkongane på Moster (Teater VestlandBømlo Teater) |
1993 |
Direction |
Blomar av det sjuke (The Norwegian Theatre) |
September 24, 1992 |
Actor (Hans Jæger) |
Roberto Zucco (The Norwegian Theatre) |
March 19, 1992 |
Actor (Broren) |
Kvitveistid (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
March 9, 1992 |
Actor (Ung Sjåfør) |
Mostraspelet - Kristkongane på Moster (Teater VestlandBømlo Teater) |
1992 |
Direction |
Ordet (The Norwegian Theatre) |
October 17, 1991 |
Actor (Johannes) |
Tartuffe (The Norwegian Theatre) |
September 7, 1991 |
Actor (Tartuffe) |
Mostraspelet - Kristkongane på Moster (Teater VestlandBømlo Teater) |
1991 |
Direction |
The Importance of Being Earnest (Oslo Nye Teater (Oslo New Theatre)) |
Navember 29, 1990 |
Actor (Jack) |
På vinterveier (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
Navember 27, 1990 |
Actor |
En vandrer spiller med sordin (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
October 21, 1990 |
Actor (Nils, drengen) |
En vandrer spiller med sordin (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
October 14, 1990 |
Actor (Nils, drengen) |
Trollstenen fra Brisingamen (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
October 13, 1990 |
Actor (Fortelleren / annonsering) |
En vandrer spiller med sordin (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
October 7, 1990 |
Actor (Nils, drengen) |
Tom Wolds siste sak (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
October 6, 1990 |
Actor (Marius Bjørndal) |
Tom Wolds siste sak (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
September 29, 1990 |
Actor (Marius Bjørndal) |
Tom Wolds siste sak (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
September 22, 1990 |
Actor (Marius Bjørndal) |
Sankt Olavs skrin (The Norwegian Theatre) |
September 7, 1990 |
Actor (Kong Kristian, konge av Danmark og Noreg) |
Intet nytt fra Vestfronten (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
April 2, 1990 |
Actor (Kat) |
Eskimoparadiset (Annes dukketeater) |
March 31, 1990 |
Actor (Han) |
Døden gir ingen ro (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 25, 1990 |
Actor (Tarald) |
Figaro (The Norwegian Theatre) |
January 6, 1990 |
Actor (Figaro) |
Mostraspelet - Kristkongane på Moster (Teater VestlandBømlo Teater) |
1990 |
Direction |
Sweet Charity (Thalia Teater ASA/S Proscenium) |
September 7, 1989 |
Actor (Oscar Lindquist) |
An-Magritt (Trøndelag Theatre) |
May 22, 1989 |
Actor (Johannes Konstknekt) |
A Dream Play (Trøndelag Theatre) |
March 4, 1989 |
Actor (Advokaten) |
Mostraspelet - Kristkongane på Moster (Teater VestlandBømlo Teater) |
1989 |
Direction |
Pelle og superstøvlene (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
December 17, 1988 |
Actor (Viggo) |
Heartbreak Hotel (Trøndelag Theatre) |
Navember 9, 1988 |
Actor (Ragnar Houg) |
An-Magritt (Trøndelag Theatre) |
August 27, 1988 |
Actor (Johannes Konstknekt) |
Mannen fra Houston (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
July 17, 1988 |
Actor (Håkon Tranvik) |
Purpose (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
May 1, 1988 |
Actor (Sandemo) |
Fins det tigre i Kongo? (Trøndelag Theatre) |
March 18, 1988 |
Actor |
Helligtrekongersaften eller Hva du vil (Trøndelag Theatre) |
January 23, 1988 |
Actor (Fest, en narr / Presten) |
Mostraspelet - Kristkongane på Moster (Teater VestlandBømlo Teater) |
1988 |
Direction |
Ghosts (Trøndelag Theatre) |
October 14, 1987 |
Actor (Osvald Alving, fru Alvings sønn) |
Det er en slagmark (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
October 4, 1987 |
Actor (Gil) |
Carl Lange (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
September 1, 1987 |
Actor (Mannen i et ungt par) |
Purpose (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
May 17, 1987 |
Actor (Sandemo) |
Hamlet (The Norwegian Theatre) |
May 9, 1987 |
Actor (Horatio) |
Arsenikk og gamle kniplingar (The Norwegian Theatre) |
February 7, 1987 |
Actor (Mortimer Brewster) |
Det grenselause landet (The Norwegian Theatre) |
January 24, 1987 |
Actor (Otto von Aigner) |
Mostraspelet - Kristkongane på Moster (Teater VestlandBømlo Teater) |
1987 |
Direction |
Mørk måne (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 8, 1986 |
Actor (Rogan / Ted Gersten) |
Pantagleize (The Norwegian Theatre) |
Navember 5, 1986 |
Actor (Bergol, halt og skjegga) |
Mother Courage and Her children (The Norwegian Theatre) |
April 11, 1986 |
Actor (Feltherren / Bonde som kjem med Eilif) |
Mostraspelet - Kristkongane på Moster (Teater VestlandBømlo Teater) |
1986 |
Direction |
Romeo and Juliet (The Norwegian Theatre) |
September 19, 1985 |
Actor (Romeo) |
Alma (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
March 26, 1985 |
Actor (Albion), Other |
Jacques og herren hans (The Norwegian Theatre) |
March 16, 1985 |
Actor (Unge Bigre) |
Ivanov (The Norwegian Theatre) |
February 7, 1985 |
Actor (Jevgenij Konstantinovitsj Lvov, ung distriktslege) |
Mostraspelet - Kristkongane på Moster (Teater VestlandBømlo Teater) |
1985 |
Direction |
Kvitt eller dobbelt (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
September 9, 1984 |
Actor (Rolfs bror) |
Lærde damer (The Norwegian Theatre) |
September 6, 1984 |
Actor (Clitandre, ein ung friar) |
West Side Story (The Norwegian Theatre) |
April 28, 1984 |
Actor (Action, i Jet-gjengen) |
Operasjon Jordsøk (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
February 9, 1984 |
Actor (Darv) |
Operasjon Jordsøk (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
February 2, 1984 |
Actor (Darv) |
Operasjon Jordsøk (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
January 26, 1984 |
Actor (Darv) |
Operasjon Jordsøk (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
January 19, 1984 |
Actor (Darv) |
Operasjon Jordsøk (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
January 12, 1984 |
Actor (Darv) |
Operasjon Jordsøk (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
January 5, 1984 |
Actor (Darv) |
Mostraspelet - Kristkongane på Moster (Teater VestlandBømlo Teater) |
1984 |
Direction |
Operasjon Jordsøk (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
December 29, 1983 |
Actor (Darv) |
Operasjon Jordsøk (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
December 22, 1983 |
Actor (Darv) |
Operasjon Jordsøk (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
December 15, 1983 |
Actor (Darv) |
Operasjon Jordsøk (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
December 8, 1983 |
Actor (Darv) |
Bak verda, der månen skin (The Norwegian Theatre) |
December 3, 1983 |
Actor |
Medea (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
Navember 15, 1983 |
Actor (Ven av Jason) |
Ulysses von Ithacia (The Norwegian Theatre) |
September 9, 1983 |
Actor (Prins Paris av Troja / Rasmus, tenaren til Dido) |
Spøkelses-skytteren - John Dickson Carr forteller (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
June 25, 1983 |
Actor (Christopher Drew / Papegøyen Cæsar) |
Elsker deg - hater deg - trenger deg (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
April 14, 1983 |
Actor (Ruben) |
Elsker deg - hater deg - trenger deg (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
April 7, 1983 |
Actor (Ruben) |
King Lear (The Norwegian Theatre) |
February 24, 1983 |
Actor (Edgar, son av Gloucester) |
Godspell (Runar Borge) |
1983 |
Actor |
Snart gryr ein morgon! (The Norwegian Theatre) |
1983 |
Actor |
Snart gryr ein morgon! (The Norwegian Theatre) |
December 16, 1982 |
Actor |
Stjernene forteller (1. serie) (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 13, 1982 |
Actor (Polydeukes (Pollux)) |
Snart gryr ein morgon! (The Norwegian Theatre) |
Navember 1, 1982 |
Actor |
Kvinnen og den svarte fuglen (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
October 5, 1982 |
Actor (Otto) |
Flink gutt (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
September 16, 1982 |
Actor (Mats) |
Kirsebærblom i Nordfjellet (The Norwegian Theatre) |
September 3, 1982 |
Actor (Songaren, i Den Heilage Narukami) |
Fly uten fører (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
August 28, 1982 |
Actor (Arvid Vikholt) |
Tolv edsvorne menn (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
May 11, 1982 |
Actor (Jurymedlem) |
West Side Story (The Norwegian Theatre) |
May 8, 1982 |
Actor (Action, i Jet-gjengen) |
Kort opphold i Verona (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
April 13, 1982 |
Actor (Yngve) |
Maria Stuart i Skottland (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
February 2, 1982 |
Actor (Taylor) |
Maria Stuart i Skottland (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
January 26, 1982 |
Actor (Taylor) |
Du er ferdig (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
October 27, 1981 |
Actor (Gutten) |
Lever du'a Karlsen? (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
September 1, 1981 |
Actor (Datterdatters mann) |
Det gylne landet Elidor (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
June 27, 1981 |
Actor (Nick) |
Nattsvermere (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
May 5, 1981 |
Actor (Han) |
Når eplene modnes (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
April 28, 1981 |
Actor (Han) |
Maria Stuart (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
May 25, 1980 |
Actor (William Davidson, statssekretær) |
Pelle og superstøvlene (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
May 24, 1980 |
Actor (Viggo) |
Maria Stuart (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
May 18, 1980 |
Actor (William Davidson, statssekretær) |
Himmelen kan vente (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 29, 1980 |
Actor (Andrew, nevø) |
Kollontaj (The Norwegian Theatre) |
March 28, 1980 |
Actor (Oscar) |
Påske (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
March 25, 1980 |
Actor (Benjamin) |
Den som henger i en tråd (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
February 26, 1980 |
Actor (Finn) |
Fallet (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
October 27, 1979 |
Actor (Leslie Murdock) |
The Cherry Orchard (The Norwegian Theatre) |
October 4, 1979 |
Actor (Jasja, ein ung tenar) |
Møte ved milepelen (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
September 22, 1979 |
Actor (2. venn) |
Møte ved milepelen (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
September 15, 1979 |
Actor (2. venn) |
Møte ved milepelen (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
September 8, 1979 |
Actor (2. venn) |
Møte ved milepelen (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
September 1, 1979 |
Actor (2. venn) |
Møte ved milepelen (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
August 25, 1979 |
Actor (2. venn) |
Møte ved milepelen (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
August 18, 1979 |
Actor (2. venn) |
Tordivelen flyr i skumringen (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
June 16, 1979 |
Actor (David) |
Bronsebogen (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
April 7, 1979 |
Actor (Simon) |
I denne verden er alt mulig (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
April 7, 1979 |
Actor (Friedrich) |
I denne verden er alt mulig (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 31, 1979 |
Actor (Friedrich) |
I denne verden er alt mulig (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 24, 1979 |
Actor (Friedrich) |
I denne verden er alt mulig (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 17, 1979 |
Actor (Friedrich) |
I denne verden er alt mulig (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 10, 1979 |
Actor (Friedrich) |
Haren og hauken (The Norwegian Theatre) |
February 22, 1979 |
Actor (Rytterstjärna, kaptein) |
Krane's Café (The Norwegian Theatre) |
1979 |
Actor (Jørgen Stordal) |
Krane's Café (The Norwegian Theatre) |
December 2, 1978 |
Actor (Jørgen Stordal) |
Ansiktet i skyggen (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 18, 1978 |
Shadow play |
Ripsvin og reinlender (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
October 3, 1978 |
Actor (Magne) |
Blodig gevinst (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
September 27, 1978 |
Actor (Alan) |
Juno and the Peacock (The Norwegian Theatre) |
September 2, 1978 |
Actor (Første flyttemann) |
Lang lunte (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
August 27, 1978 |
Actor (Kaptein Moore) |
Rapport til politimesteren (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
April 16, 1978 |
Actor (Billy) |
An der schönen blauen Donau (The Norwegian Theatre) |
February 11, 1978 |
Actor (Erich) |
Tusen fjordar, tusen fjell (The Norwegian Theatre) |
1978 |
Actor (Unge Sander) |
Jeppe (The Norwegian Theatre) |
1978 |
Actor |
Den som graver en grav for andre (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 19, 1977 |
Actor (Teddy Larsen) |
Den som graver en grav for andre (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 12, 1977 |
Actor (Teddy Larsen) |
Den som graver en grav for andre (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 5, 1977 |
Actor (Teddy Larsen) |
Den som graver en grav for andre (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
October 29, 1977 |
Actor (Teddy Larsen) |
Tusen fjordar, tusen fjell (The Norwegian Theatre) |
October 22, 1977 |
Actor (Unge Sander) |
Den som graver en grav for andre (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
October 22, 1977 |
Actor (Teddy Larsen) |
Macbeth (The Norwegian Theatre) |
August 27, 1977 |
Actor (Ein sersjant) |
City Sugar (The Norwegian Theatre) |
March 17, 1977 |
Actor (Rex) |
Faren satt på første benk og moren satt på annen og Knoll og Tott på galleri og lo som bare faen* (The father sat in the first row, the mother sat in the second, and The Katzenjammer Kids sat on the balcony and laughed like f**k) (Perleporten Teatergruppe) |
1977 |
Voiceover |
Den store fargeslukaren (The Norwegian Theatre) |
August 31, 1976 |
Actor (Klovnen) |
As You Like It (Statens teaterskole) |
May 12, 1976 |
Actor (Jacques (hospitant)) |
Lille Eyolf (Statens teaterskole) |
Navember 11, 1975 |
Actor (Alfred Almers (hospitant)) |
Faren satt på første benk og moren satt på annen og Knoll og Tott på galleri og lo som bare faen* (The father sat in the first row, the mother sat in the second, and The Katzenjammer Kids sat on the balcony and laughed like f**k) (Perleporten Teatergruppe) |
October 9, 1975 |
Voiceover |
Helligtrekongersaften (Statens teaterskole) |
1975 |
Actor (Hertug Orsino (hospitant 1.kl)) |
As You Like It (Statens teaterskole) |
1975 |
Actor (Prøvesten (hospitant 1.kl)) |
Konflikt (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) |
February 5, 1974 |
Actor (Nils, sønn av Himonæs) |
Store-Klas og Vesle-Klas (The Norwegian Theatre) |
September 27, 1973 |
Actor (Jon) |
Den gale frå Chaillot (The Norwegian Theatre) |
September 6, 1973 |
Actor (Pikkoloen / Folkevald politikar, ned i jorda) |
Gunnar frå Lidarende (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
August 3, 1973 |
Actor (Mann frå Torolvsfell m. fl.) |
The Brat (The Norwegian Theatre) |
April 7, 1973 |
Actor (Fabrikkarbeidar) |
Kaspar (The Norwegian Theatre) |
February 15, 1973 |
Actor (Den andre Kaspar / Røyst) |
Veslefrikk med fela (The Norwegian Theatre) |
Navember 10, 1972 |
Actor (Lars, ein husmannsgut) |
Store-Klas og Vesle-Klas (The Norwegian Theatre) |
February 1972 |
Actor (Jon) |
The King and I (The Norwegian Theatre) |
April 18, 1966 |
Actor (Prins Chulalongkorn, alternerte med Peas) |
Spelet om Heilag Olav (Stiklestad Nasjonale Kultursenter) |
1954 |
Actor (Gamal-Jostein, far til Torgeir - 2023), Actor (Torgeir Halleson fra Kvistad - 1992 + 1993 + 1999) |