Hege Randi Tørressen

Hege Randi Tørressen (born 1959) is a dramaturge. She has been employed by The National Theatre since 1998, and been the production dramaturge of productions in all venues of the theatre.


(Objekt ID 7858)
Object type Person
Born January 1, 1959
Functions Dramaturge
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Female
Adresse Fjellstrand, Norway

Hege Randi Tørresen has worked with new Norwegian and foreign drama, and with classics, including the plays of Ibsen. She has also adapted novels for the theatre.

Growth of the Soil, which she adapted for the theatre with Sebastian Hartmann, won The Hedda Award 2007 in the theatre project of the year category.

The Hedda Jury gave the following reason:

"Naturally, the theatre project of the year is supposed to be a quality production. But it is also supposed to be an event in itself, and to be presented originally. The winner of the year meets all these demands in full. The production breaks with the familiar psychological realism, and takes use of the totality of the theatre's effects. In an eminent way it meets our innermost fears, while it through its artistic exuberance established direct contact with the audience and kicks up a storm.

The winner of the year is Growth of the Soil, The National Theatre, the spring of 2007, directed by Sebastian Hartmann."

A complete list of the productions at The National Theatre in which Hege Randi Tørressen has been involved, can be found in the theatre's production database (Norwegian only).


The Hedda Award

The National Theatre, nationaltheatret.no, 28.10.2010, http://www.detapneteater.no/pub/daat/forestillinger/?aid=361&cid=17&sac=all&viewall=1#daat


Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität, Munich, Germany

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