Arven (The National Theatre) |
February 8, 2025 |
Dramaturge |
A Doll's House (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) |
September 27, 2024 |
Dramaturge |
Peer Gynt (The National TheatreBergen International FestivalBergen Philharmonic Orchestra) |
September 21, 2024 |
Adapted by, Dramaturge |
Hedda Gabler (The National Theatre) |
August 23, 2024 |
Dramaturge |
Peer Gynt (The National TheatreBergen International FestivalBergen Philharmonic Orchestra) |
August 17, 2024 |
Adapted by, Dramaturge |
Peer Gynt (The National TheatreBergen International FestivalBergen Philharmonic Orchestra) |
May 22, 2024 |
Adapted by, Dramaturge |
Vi er fem (The National Theatre) |
February 17, 2024 |
Dramaturge |
Den fantastiske Mikkel Rev (The National Theatre) |
September 15, 2023 |
Dramaturge |
Hamlet (The National Theatre) |
September 15, 2023 |
Adapted by, Dramaturge |
Flukt (The National Theatre) |
August 22, 2023 |
Adapted by, Dramaturge |
Mens vi venter på no' Godt (The National Theatre) |
May 4, 2023 |
Dramaturge |
Jordbærstedet (The National Theatre) |
January 21, 2023 |
Dramaturge, Adapted by |
Hamlet (The National Theatre) |
Navember 4, 2022 |
Adapted by, Dramaturge |
Hvalen i rommet (The National Theatre) |
Navember 3, 2022 |
Dramaturge |
Ved målet (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) |
September 21, 2022 |
Adapted by, Dramaturge |
Ved målet (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) |
September 15, 2022 |
Adapted by, Dramaturge |
John Gabriel Borkman (The National Theatre) |
September 9, 2022 |
Dramaturge, Adapted by |
Dronninger (Un-Magritt Nordseth Danseproduksjon) |
April 27, 2022 |
Advisor |
Sancthansnatten (The National Theatre) |
March 20, 2022 |
Dramaturge, Adapted by, Adapted by |
Mor Courage (The National Theatre) |
September 25, 2021 |
Adapted by, Dramaturge |
Hamlet (The National Theatre) |
August 17, 2021 |
Adapted by, Dramaturge |
Den kaukasiske krittringen (The National Theatre) |
2021 |
Dramaturge |
Den kaukasiske krittringen (The National Theatre) |
October 16, 2020 |
Dramaturge |
A Doll's House (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) |
September 9, 2020 |
Dramaturge |
Tante Grønn, Tante Brun, Tante Fiolett og Onkel Blå (The National Theatre) |
April 18, 2020 |
Dramaturge |
Disgraced (The National Theatre) |
August 31, 2019 |
Dramaturge |
The Vikings at Helgeland (The National Theatre) |
August 13, 2019 |
Dramaturge |
Vi må snakke om Faust* (We need to talk about Faust) (The National Theatre) |
January 26, 2019 |
Dramaturge |
Rock'n Roll Wolf (The National Theatre) |
October 20, 2018 |
Dramaturge |
The Vikings at Helgeland (The National Theatre) |
September 10, 2018 |
Dramaturge |
Desire under the Elms (The National Theatre) |
May 8, 2018 |
Dramaturge |
Angels in America (The National Theatre) |
March 10, 2018 |
Dramaturge |
Journey to the Christmas Star (The National Theatre) |
October 21, 2017 |
Dramaturge |
Reisen til Julestjernen (The National Theatre) |
October 21, 2017 |
Dramaturge |
Nostalgi 2175 (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) |
March 31, 2017 |
Dramaturge |
Night is mother to the day (The National TheatreThe Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) |
January 27, 2017 |
Dramaturge |
Journey to the Christmas Star (The National Theatre) |
October 22, 2016 |
Dramaturge |
Enemy of the duck (The National Theatre) |
September 8, 2016 |
Dramaturge |
Martyr (The National Theatre) |
April 14, 2016 |
Dramaturge |
The Tempest (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) |
January 15, 2016 |
Adapted by, Dramaturge |
Our Class (The National Theatre) |
September 5, 2015 |
Dramaturge |
Night is mother to the day (The National TheatreThe Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) |
February 25, 2015 |
Dramaturge |
Minus Two (The National Theatre) |
February 18, 2015 |
Dramaturge |
Night is mother to the day (The National TheatreThe Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) |
January 14, 2015 |
Dramaturge |
Peer Gynt (The National Theatre) |
August 9, 2014 |
Dramaturge |
Metamorphosis (The National TheatreVesturport Teater) |
April 28, 2014 |
Dramaturge |
The Maids (The National Theatre) |
March 8, 2014 |
Translation, Dramaturge |
Sonnets (The National Theatre) |
February 12, 2014 |
Dramaturge |
Metamorphosis (The National TheatreVesturport Teater) |
August 10, 2013 |
Dramaturge |
The Odyssey (Morten Cranner) |
Navember 10, 2012 |
Dramaturge |
Peer på en pall* (Peer on a pallet) (Teater Joker) |
September 6, 2012 |
Dramaturge |
Peer på en pall* (Peer on a pallet) (Teater Joker) |
August 31, 2012 |
Dramaturge |
Peer Gynt (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) |
August 25, 2012 |
Dramaturge |
A Behanding in Spokane (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) |
March 24, 2012 |
Dramaturge |
Entropy (The National Theatre) |
January 21, 2012 |
Dramaturge |
Metamorphosis (The National TheatreVesturport Teater) |
January 14, 2012 |
Dramaturge |
Orphans (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) |
Navember 9, 2011 |
Dramaturge |
Sonic Hamlet (The National Theatre) |
Navember 5, 2011 |
Dramaturge |
Minus Two (The National Theatre) |
October 15, 2011 |
Dramaturge |
Kafka (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) |
September 1, 2011 |
Dramaturge |
Istialia (Fabula RasaThe National Theatre) |
August 27, 2011 |
Dramaturge |
Trær som faller (The National Theatre) |
January 22, 2011 |
Dramaturge |
Mr. Kolpert (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) |
Navember 20, 2010 |
Dramaturge |
Ibsenmaskin (The National Theatre) |
August 26, 2010 |
Dramaturge |
Hustyrannen* (The House Tyrant) (The National Theatre) |
January 19, 2010 |
Dramaturge |
The Seagull (The National Theatre) |
Navember 21, 2009 |
Dramaturge |
Stones in His Pockets (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) |
October 2009 |
Dramaturge, Dramaturge |
A Night's Lodging AKA The Lower Depths (The National Theatre) |
August 27, 2009 |
Dramaturge |
The Homecoming (The National Theatre) |
April 29, 2009 |
Dramaturge |
A Midsummer Night's Dream (The National Theatre) |
March 28, 2009 |
Dramaturge |
En lykkens mann* (A Man of Happiness) (The National Theatre) |
December 5, 2008 |
Dramaturge |
En vanlig dag i helvete* (An Ordinary Day in Hell) (The National Theatre) |
Navember 12, 2008 |
Dramaturge |
Leonce og Lena (The National Theatre) |
March 8, 2008 |
Dramaturge |
Under åpen himmel (The National Theatre) |
February 28, 2008 |
Dramaturge |
Vaginamonologene (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) |
January 22, 2008 |
Dramaturge |
Stones in His Pockets (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) |
October 2007 |
Dramaturge, Dramaturge |
En lykkens mann* (A Man of Happiness) (The National Theatre) |
September 29, 2007 |
Dramaturge |
Ulrike Maria Stuart (The National Theatre) |
September 28, 2007 |
Dramaturge |
Scenetekstutvikling i dramatisk endring* (Performing text development in dramatic change) () |
May 11, 2007 |
Other |
Scenetekstutvikling i dramatisk endring* (Performing text development in dramatic change) () |
May 10, 2007 |
Other |
The Homecoming (The National Theatre) |
April 14, 2007 |
Dramaturge |
Growth of the Soil (The National Theatre) |
February 14, 2007 |
Dramatised by, Dramaturge |
Seks personer søker en forfatter (The National Theatre) |
January 10, 2007 |
Dramaturge |
Skuggar (The National TheatreBergen International Festival) |
September 22, 2006 |
Dramaturge |
Hedda Gabler (The National Theatre) |
August 25, 2006 |
Dramaturge |
Skuggar (The National TheatreBergen International Festival) |
May 30, 2006 |
Dramaturge |
Stones in His Pockets (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) |
April 2006 |
Dramaturge, Dramaturge |
The Dance of Death (The National Theatre) |
February 25, 2006 |
Dramaturge |
Foyer 06 (The National Theatre) |
February 4, 2006 |
Dramaturge |
The Road to Damascus (The National Theatre) |
January 21, 2006 |
Dramaturge |
Pippi Longstocking (The National Theatre) |
Navember 26, 2005 |
Dramaturge |
Lise L. (The National Theatre) |
August 29, 2005 |
Dramaturge |
Melancholy (The National Theatre) |
April 29, 2005 |
Dramaturge |
Albert Speer (The National Theatre) |
March 12, 2005 |
Dramaturge |
Creditors (The National Theatre) |
February 3, 2005 |
Dramaturge |
Terrorism (The National Theatre) |
Navember 27, 2004 |
Adapted by, Dramaturge |
John Gabriel Borkman (The National Theatre) |
August 26, 2004 |
Adapted by, Dramaturge |
Tysk samtidsdramatikk () |
June 9, 2004 |
Other |
Histrionics (The National Theatre) |
March 13, 2004 |
Dramaturge |
Endgame (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) |
January 24, 2004 |
Adapted by |
Winter Storage (The National Theatre) |
September 18, 2003 |
Dramaturge |
Stones in His Pockets (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) |
August 23, 2003 |
Dramaturge, Dramaturge |
Stones in His Pockets (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) |
March 24, 2003 |
Dramaturge, Dramaturge |
Shyness and Dignity (The National Theatre) |
March 21, 2003 |
Dramaturge |
Tre Stemmer* (Three Voices) (The National Theatre) |
Navember 16, 2002 |
Dramaturge |
When We Dead Awaken (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) |
September 4, 2002 |
Dramaturge |
Tre søstre (The National Theatre) |
August 29, 2002 |
Dramaturge |
Medea (The National Theatre) |
April 25, 2002 |
Dramaturge |
The Pianist (The National TheatreJo Strømgren KompaniThe Torshov Theatre) |
March 14, 2002 |
Dramaturge |
Skyggen (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) |
February 6, 2002 |
Dramaturge, Dramatised by |
Stones in His Pockets (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) |
Navember 6, 2001 |
Dramaturge, Dramaturge |
Vi er ikke kaker (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) |
April 25, 2001 |
Dramaturge |
Cirkus (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) |
January 17, 2001 |
Dramaturge |
Shyness and Dignity (The National Theatre) |
2001 |
Dramaturge |
Vaginamonologene (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) |
October 4, 2000 |
Dramaturge |
Shyness and Dignity (The National Theatre) |
September 2, 2000 |
Dramaturge |
Faust (The National Theatre) |
February 11, 1999 |
Adapted by, Dramaturge |
The Nerd (The National Theatre) |
April 30, 1998 |
Dramaturge |
Ingen vei tilbake - Feber (The National Stage) |
February 28, 1996 |
Direction, Stage design |
Broadway neste (The National Stage) |
Navember 7, 1987 |
Director’s assistant |