Mimmi Tamba

Mimmi Tamba is a Norwegian singer and actress.

She was nominated for The Hedda Award 2019 for the role of Girl in Lazarus, The Norwegian Theatre.


(Objekt ID 72585)
Object type Person
Functions Actor, Singer
Gender Female


The Hedda Award, www.heddaprisen.no, 16.10.19, https://www.heddaprisen.no/nominerte/2019

Involved in productions (14)
Title Premiere Role
Frost (The Norwegian Theatre) October 14, 2023 Actor (Elsa)
Abdul ≈ Hkeem (The Norwegian Theatre) March 29, 2023 Actor
Semper Eadem (The Norwegian Theatre) January 14, 2023 Songlyrics, Text, Actor
Into the woods (The Norwegian Theatre) April 2, 2022 Actor (Oskepott)
Life does us (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) October 9, 2021 Actor
Life does us (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) October 6, 2021 Actor
Tolvskillingsoperaen (The Norwegian Theatre) August 14, 2021 Actor (Fru Peachum )
Tolvskillingsoperaen (The Norwegian Theatre) Navember 14, 2020 Actor (Fru Peachum )
Tangled Up in Blue (The Norwegian Theatre) October 3, 2020 Actor
Spring Awakening (The Norwegian Theatre) January 17, 2020 Actor (Martha Bessel)
Indigo Englehår* (Indigo Angel Hair) (Brageteatret) Navember 7, 2019 Actor
Lazarus (The Norwegian Theatre) May 11, 2019 Actor (Girl - alternerte med Julie Moe Sandø)
Peter Pan (Brageteatret) 2019 Actor
The Book of Mormon (The Norwegian Theatre) April 20, 2018 Actor (Ensemble 11 - alternerte med Amanda Kamara), Actor (Nabulungi - alternerte i 2019 med Anette Amelia Larsen)
The Book of Mormon (The Norwegian Theatre) September 2, 2017 Actor (Ensemble 11 - alternerte med Amanda Kamara), Actor (Nabulungi - alternerte i 2019 med Anette Amelia Larsen)
5boys.com (Brageteatret) August 29, 2014 Actor
Æ og skyggen min* (I and my shadow) (The Arctic Theatre) January 13, 2001 Singer
Artworks (1)
Title Publiseringsdato Role
Semper Eadem Music – Composer