Eirik del Barco Soleglad

Eirik del Barco Soleglad is a Norwegian actor and comedian who has done a number of productions within drama, revue, opera, comedy and musicals.


(Objekt ID 7197)
Object type Person
Born May 8, 1975
Functions Actor
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Male

Eirik del Barco Soleglad received Bergen Theatre Associations award Pernillestatuetten in 2017.

He was also nominated for The Hedda Award 2014 in the best supporting actor category for the role of Prince John in The Heart of Robin Hood by David Farr, directed by Gisli Örn Gardarsson and Selma Björnsdottir, produced by The National Stage and The Royal Shakespeare Company.

Eirik del Barco Soleglad was nominated for The Hedda Award 2021/2022 in the best supporting actor category for his role in The Morning Star by Karl Ove Knausgård, director Linus Tunström – The National Stage.


The Hedda Award, heddaprisen.no, 19.05.2014, http://www.heddaprisen.no/pub/heddaprisen/main/?aid=1215

The Hedda Award, heddaprisen.no, 28.06.2022, 

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