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Program til Rottefangeren (1997), sommerteater i Frognerparken | 1997 | Download |
Kirsti Refseth
Also known as: Kirsti StubøKirsti Stubø is a Norwegian actress.
Kirsti Stubø, born as Kirsti Refseth in 1975, was educated at The National Academy of Theatre (1995–1998). She first spent two years at Rogaland Theatre where she, among other things, interpreted the role of Irina in Three sisters before she in 2001 became employed by The Norwegian Theatre, for which she has played, among other roles, Solveig in Peer Gynt, Cassandra in Orestes, Indra's daughter in A Dream Play and Hermione in Andromache, an interpretation for which she got The Hedda Award in the category of best supporting actress in 2009.
(Objekt ID 5739)Object type | Person |
Also known as | Kirsti Stubø |
Born | May 26, 1975 |
Functions | Actor |
Nationality | Norwegian |
Gender | Female |
When Kirsti Stubø won The Hedda Award 2009, The Hedda jury reasoned as follows:
"After completing her education at The National Academy of Theatre, this year's winner has, in two important theatres, given stage life to very different female characters, and she has also found the time to become a prize-awarded movie actress.
She gets the award for her interpretation of a basically self-assured and aggressive young woman, who is, during a few fateful meetings, brought to the verge of a nervous breakdown. Brilliantly the award winner creates a live, credible psychological portrait of a passionate young woman in despair, the very eye of the storm in an otherwise downplayed and cool performance.
The best supporting actress award goes to Kirsti Stubø for the role of Hermione in Andromache at The Norwegian Theatre the spring of 2009."
In 2010 and 2011 she has been working for Stockholm City Theatre where she has, among other things, interpreted the role of Electra in Orestes and the title role of Emilia Galotti. She also has taken parts in movies, and during the international film festival in Moscow in 2007 she got the prestigious Best actress award for her effort in the film Opium.
Kirsti Stubø was nominated for The Hedda Award 2012 in the category of best leading actress for the role of Lavinia Mannon in Mourning Becomes Electra, directed by Eirik Stubø,The Norwegian Theatre.
Kirsti Stubø is married to director Eirik Stubø. Her maiden name was Refseth.
The Hedda Awards, 29.05.2012, http://heddaprisen.no/pub/heddaprisen/main/?&mid=1031&aid=1030
Title | Premiere | Role |
Forbrytar og straff (The Norwegian Theatre) | February 7, 2025 | Actor |
Hedda Gabler (The Norwegian Theatre) | September 7, 2024 | Actor (Berte) |
Roberto Zucco (The Norwegian Theatre) | January 12, 2024 | Actor (Søster til Jenta / Hore / Kvinne i parken) |
Ettermiddag (Det Vestnorske Teateret) | December 9, 2023 | Actor (Erna) |
Sa ka la (Det Vestnorske Teateret) | December 9, 2023 | Actor (Venninna ( Trine)) |
Suzannah (Det Vestnorske Teateret) | December 9, 2023 | Actor (Den middelaldra Suzannah) |
Dødsvariasjonar (Det Vestnorske Teateret) | December 9, 2023 | Actor (Den eldre kvinna) |
Jenta i sofaen (Det Vestnorske Teateret) | December 9, 2023 | Actor (Kvinna) |
I svarte skogen inne (Det Vestnorske TeateretThe Norwegian Theatre) | September 3, 2023 | Actor (Den unge kvinna på Det Norske Teatret) |
I svarte skogen inne (Det Vestnorske TeateretThe Norwegian Theatre) | May 11, 2023 | Actor (Den unge kvinna på Det Norske Teatret) |
Romeo og Julie (The Norwegian Theatre) | January 13, 2023 | Actor (Amma) |
Eadnemaddu - Eg kjem over fjellet (The Norwegian TheatreS B Johansen SKRIV) | Navember 24, 2022 | Actor |
In from the rain (The Norwegian Theatre) | September 17, 2022 | Actor (Mona) |
Faderen (The Norwegian Theatre) | May 7, 2022 | Actor (Laura) |
EKS (The Norwegian Theatre) | March 3, 2022 | Actor |
Of Mice and Men (The Norwegian Theatre) | Navember 19, 2021 | Actor (Kona til Curly) |
Of Mice and Men (The Norwegian Theatre) | May 8, 2021 | Actor (Kona til Curly) |
Gå* (Go) (The Norwegian TheatreGoksøyr & Martens) | September 14, 2020 | Actor |
Mourning Becomes Electra (The Norwegian Theatre) | 2016 | Actor (Lavinia (Vinnie), dotter til Christine og Erza, syster til Orin) |
33 variasjonar (The Norwegian Theatre) | October 12, 2012 | Actor (Clara Brandt, dotter til Kathrine) |
Five Days in March (Oslo International Theatre) | June 14, 2012 | Actor |
hamlet is dead. no gravity (Oslo International Theatre) | June 6, 2012 | Actor |
Mourning Becomes Electra (The Norwegian Theatre) | April 28, 2012 | Actor (Lavinia (Vinnie), dotter til Christine og Erza, syster til Orin) |
Not directly hurt (Norwegian Centre for New Playwriting (NCNP)Cappelen Damm) | April 26, 2012 | Direction, Actor |
Don Carlos (The Norwegian Theatre) | March 12, 2010 | Actor (Elisabeth) |
Love’s Second Surprise (The Norwegian Theatre) | January 15, 2010 | Actor (Lisette) |
Lys (The Norwegian Theatre) | October 22, 2009 | Actor (Dottera) |
Andromache (The Norwegian Theatre) | March 24, 2009 | Actor (Hermione) |
Lærde damer (The Norwegian Theatre) | February 16, 2007 | Actor (Henriette, dotter) |
Verdas mest forelska par* (The Couple in the World Who is the Most in Love) (The Norwegian Theatre) | September 7, 2006 | Actor (Esmiluni ) |
Crime and Punishment (The Norwegian Theatre) | January 18, 2006 | Actor (Sonja) |
Angerhøy (The Norwegian Theatre) | October 6, 2005 | Actor (Rosita) |
Peer Gynt (The Norwegian TheatreThe National StageBergen International Festival) | May 25, 2005 | Actor (Anitra / Ei seterjente / Eit lite troll / Ei kvinne) |
Uten ekko (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) | March 22, 2005 | Actor (Karianne Holbeck, politioverkonstabel) |
Peer Gynt (The Norwegian TheatreThe National StageBergen International Festival) | February 19, 2005 | Actor (Anitra / Ei seterjente / Eit lite troll / Ei kvinne) |
The Caucasian Chalk Circle (The Norwegian Theatre) | September 11, 2004 | Actor (Grusche) |
Eit draumspel (The Norwegian Theatre) | February 14, 2004 | Actor (Indras dotter) |
Ungkarsfesten (The Norwegian Theatre) | Navember 8, 2003 | Actor (Marit) |
The Seagull (The Norwegian Theatre) | August 27, 2003 | Actor (Nína Mikháljovna Zarétsjnaja) |
A View from the Bridge (The National Theatre) | March 15, 2003 | Actor (Catherine) |
Orestien (The Norwegian Theatre) | January 23, 2003 | Actor (Kassandra / Kor) |
Død joker (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) | Navember 30, 2002 | Actor (Karianne Holbeck, politioverkonstabel) |
Ekteskap. Basta! (The Norwegian Theatre) | August 31, 2002 | Actor (Checca) |
Don Juan (The Norwegian Theatre) | March 15, 2002 | Actor (Charlotte) |
Anna Karenina (The Norwegian Theatre) | January 12, 2002 | Actor (Kitty (Jekaterina Stjerbatskaja)) |
Standard selection (The Norwegian Theatre) | August 29, 2001 | Actor (Rina (Katarina), yngste dotter til Lennart og Laura) |
Beogradtriologien (The Norwegian Theatre) | April 26, 2001 | Actor (Sanja - Sidney) |
November (The Norwegian Theatre) | January 11, 2001 | Actor (Jenta) |
Woyzeck (Rogaland Theatre) | September 11, 1999 | Actor (Marie) |
Mein Kampf (Rogaland Theatre) | April 24, 1999 | Actor (Gretchen) |
Little Eyolf (Rogaland Theatre) | February 18, 1999 | Actor (Asta Allmers, Alfreds søster) |
Arsenikk og gamle kniplinger (Rogaland Theatre) | Navember 12, 1998 | Actor (Elaine Harper) |
Tre søstre (Rogaland Theatre) | September 16, 1998 | Actor (Irina) |
Remember My Name (Teaterhøgskolen) | February 12, 1998 | Actor |
Den tatoverte rosen (Teaterhøgskolen) | October 11, 1997 | Actor (Estelle Hohengarten) |
Don Perlimplin's kjærlighet til Belisa i hagen (Teaterhøgskolen) | October 10, 1997 | Actor (Belisa) |
Rottefangeren (Teaterhøgskolen) | June 21, 1997 | Actor (Baker Napoleon Skake) |
En lykkelig begivenhet (Teaterhøgskolen) | May 15, 1997 | Actor (Fruen) |
An-Magritt (Trøndelag Theatre) | May 22, 1989 | Actor (Eva, datter til Fjøstausa) |
An-Magritt (Trøndelag Theatre) | August 27, 1988 | Actor (Eva, datter til Fjøstausa) |
Privattimen & Den skallete songarinna () | Actor (Eleven i Privattimen) |