Nokon kjem til å kome (The Norwegian Theatre) |
September 7, 2019 |
Music |
Golden Fleece (Ingun Bjørnsgaard Prosjekt) |
January 28, 2016 |
Composition |
EROS (Visjoner Teater) |
May 31, 2015 |
Composition |
Praeambulum (Ingun Bjørnsgaard Prosjekt) |
January 31, 2013 |
Composition |
Olavs draumar (Rogaland TheatreStavanger Konserthus) |
September 20, 2012 |
Composer, Dramatised by |
I år skal det være moderne (The National Theatre) |
August 31, 2011 |
Music, Sound design |
Et moderne sted (The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet) |
April 25, 2008 |
Music |
Music (Ning) |
June 8, 2007 |
Composer |
Öppna landskap* (Open landscapes) (Rom for Dans) |
April 27, 2007 |
Composition, Musician |
Transitt (Ning) |
September 30, 2006 |
Composition, Concept/Idea |
Extending the string from your neck (Ning) |
March 9, 2006 |
Composer |
Rambuku (The Norwegian Theatre) |
February 2, 2006 |
Music |
Ophelias: Death by water singing (Bergen National Opera) |
September 23, 2005 |
Composer |
Lise L. (The National Theatre) |
August 29, 2005 |
Music |
Four Pieces including Sjoa and Skjåk (Ingun Bjørnsgaard ProsjektDanielsenKroepelien Arts Management) |
March 16, 2004 |
Composition |
Four Pieces including Sjoa and Skjåk (Ingun Bjørnsgaard ProsjektDanielsenKroepelien Arts Management) |
March 6, 2004 |
Composition |
Book of Songs (Ingun Bjørnsgaard Prosjekt) |
2002 |
Music |
Kill Your Darlings (Ning) |
January 12, 2001 |
Composer |
The Afternoon and The Others (Ingun Bjørnsgaard Prosjekt) |
September 22, 2000 |
Composer |
Visits (The National Stage) |
May 25, 2000 |
Music |
Sera (The Norwegian National Opera & BalletOpera West) |
October 8, 1999 |
Composer |
pli à pli (Ingun Bjørnsgaard Prosjekt) |
Navember 27, 1998 |
Composer |
Timen da vi ikke visste noe om hverandre (The National Stage) |
May 20, 1998 |
Music |
The Child (The National Theatre) |
September 4, 1996 |
Sound design |
Rhindøtrene (Lilith Frisk & Vilt) |
January 26, 1996 |
Music |
Glass (Black Box TeaterCollage Dance CompanyLilith Frisk & Vilt) |
Navember 19, 1993 |
Music |
Parken (Ingun Bjørnsgaard Prosjekt) |
Navember 18, 1992 |
Composer |
Et spark fra innsiden (Teater ad Libitum) |
1989 |
Sound design |
Life is a dream (Teater ad Libitum) |
December 1, 1988 |
Music |
Lear (Kirkeristen lille Teater) |
1986 |
Actor (En rettsbetjent / En gammel sjømann / Soldat E / Major Pellet / Fange 3 / En offiser / Soldat B), Music |
Ørets teater* (Theatre of the Ear) (The Norwegian Radio Orchestra) |
Curator |