Andy Smith

Also known as: a smith


(Objekt ID 515)
Object type Person
Also known as a smith
Functions Director, Actor, Dramatist/Playwright
Nationality British
Gender Male
Website a smith - home
Affiliations (1)
Involved in productions (15)
Title Premiere Role
COMMONISM (a smithAmund Sjølie Sveen) April 27, 2018 Concept/Idea, Performer
An Oak Tree (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) September 14, 2011 Direction
all that is solid melts into air () February 4, 2011 Concept/Idea, Performer
Jeg & Joe* (I & Joe) (Rasmus Jørgensen) Navember 11, 2010 Direction
Not Quite Sound (Ning) Navember 29, 2009 Composer
Mannen som tok feil* (The Man Who Was Wrong) (Rasmus Jørgensen) October 14, 2009 Direction
The Next Two Days of Everything (a smith) April 22, 2009 Text, Concept/Idea, Performer
Pappa pust* (Daddy Breathe) (Rasmus Jørgensen) October 17, 2008 Direction
Innvandrer* (Immigrant) (a smith) June 5, 2008 Actor, Text, Main producer
Helsinki (Ning) 2008 Composer
Music (Ning) June 8, 2007 Direction, Playwright
Transitt (Ning) September 30, 2006 Direction
Extending the string from your neck (Ning) March 9, 2006 Composer
4 (Ning) May 7, 2004 Composer
Where are you? (Amund Sjølie Sveena smith) Actor, Direction, Playwright, Video/Film
Artworks (3)
Title Publiseringsdato Role
Motion Music, Contemporary music – Composer
Transitt Music, Contemporary music – Composer
MUSIC Music, Contemporary music – Composer