Birgit Amalie Nilssen
(Objekt ID 34921)Object type | Person |
Functions | Theatre director |
Nationality | Norwegian |
Gender | Female |
Affiliations (2)
- Haugesund Theatre - Theatre director (from 2005 to 2014)
- Kilden Theatre - Theatre director (from 2014 to 2019)
Involved in productions (22)
Title | Premiere | Role |
Fruen fra havet (Kilden Theatre) | July 10, 2019 | Adapted by, Direction |
Lik og del* (Like and share) (Kilden Theatre) | February 22, 2019 | Script, Direction |
Gutta i juletrehuset (Kilden Theatre) | Navember 30, 2018 | Script, Direction |
Teaterkonsert Peer Gynt (Kilden Theatre) | October 19, 2018 | Direction |
Terje Vigen (Kilden Theatre) | July 4, 2017 | Direction |
Kvinnekuppet (Kilden Theatre) | April 29, 2017 | Script |
Art (Kilden Theatre) | January 20, 2016 | Direction |
Anne Franks søsken* (Siblings of Anne Frank) (Kilden Theatre) | 2016 | Playwright |
Gutta i trehuset (Kilden Theatre) | September 12, 2015 | Direction |
Det Perfekte Liv (Kilden Theatre) | January 21, 2015 | Direction |
Kvinnekuppet (Haugesund Theatre) | Navember 13, 2014 | Playwright |
Transparens (Haugesund Theatre) | May 30, 2014 | Concept/Idea, Direction |
Figaros Bryllup (Haugesund Kammeraopera) | February 6, 2014 | Direction |
Honk! (Haugesund Theatre) | September 25, 2007 | Adapted by, Direction |
Vamp (Haugesund Theatre) | 2007 | Direction, Script |
Horisonter (Haugesund Theatre) | 2006 | Direction |
Sorte Engler (Haugesund Theatre) | March 2005 | Playwright |
Terroristene (Haugesund Theatre) | March 2005 | Direction |
The Shape of Things (Haugesund Theatre) | 2005 | Adapted by, Direction |
Bamse B og den forsvunne nøkkel (Teater Manu) | April 17, 2004 | Actor (Stemmeskuespiller til alle rollene) |
Revy Banana (Teater Manu) | Navember 26, 2003 | Actor (Stemmeskuespiller) |
Les Misérables (Bømlo Teater) | August 8, 2003 | Direction |
Artworks (2)
Title | Publiseringsdato | Role |
Kvinnekuppet | Script | – Author |
Sorte Engler | Script, Drama | – Author |