Kenneth Homstad

Kenneth Homstad (born 6. November 1982) is a Norwegian actor and director, educated at The Mime School, Amsterdam School of the Arts, from which he graduated in 2006. Since then he has worked as an actor, for The Norwegian TheatreTrøndelag Theatre and Lisa Lie/PONR and as a director at Hetveem Theater in Amsterdam.


(Objekt ID 3220)
Object type Person
Born Navember 6, 1982
Functions Director, Actor
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Male

Kenneth Homstad has acted in The Twins by Agota Kristof and J.M.Barrie's Peter Pan at The Norwegian Theatre, among other things, and in a co-production between Hedmark Theatre and Hetveem Theater called So Long Snow, performed at Hedmark Theatre in September 2010.

At Trøndelag Theatre the productions he has acted in include Adrian PosepiltMoby DickDays Beneath and Little Eyolf.

In 2006 he directed the theatre production Rita De Bock, performed at Tweetakt Festival in Utrecht and further nominated to the direction award Ton Lutz for recently educated theatre directors and theatre makers in The Netherlands. In 2008 he was invited to reside at Hetveem Theater in Amsterdam, resulting in the production Is There Anybody Out There? This production was nominated for the Dutch theatre award called VSCD in 2009, in the best contribution to Dutch performing arts category, and it was selected for the theatre and dance festival An Exceptionally Good Friday.

Kenneth Homstad was nominated for The Hedda Award 2015 in the best supporting actor category for his work in Blue Motel, produced by Lisa Lie and PONR, co-produced by Trøndelag Theatre, Black Box Teater, BIT Teatergarasjen and Turteatern/MDT.


Flaatenbjørk KOMPANI,, 21.09.2010,

The Hedda Award,, 20.05.2015,


2006:  The Mime School, Amsterdam School of the Arts

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