Kjetil Skøien om: Meyerhold (Norwegian Centre for New Playwriting (NCNP)) |
October 25, 2022 |
Artist |
Large Bird Mask (Oslo Sinfonietta and CikadaKjetil Skøien) |
September 14, 2019 |
Direction |
Paris Walks (Kjetil Skøien) |
April 17, 2015 |
Concept/Idea, Performer |
A Place for Living with the Other (Passage Nord ProjectTransnational Arts production) |
April 12, 2012 |
Direction, Performer, Video/Film, Installation, Text |
The Wonder of You (Kjetil Skøien) |
June 1, 2011 |
Concept/Idea, Performer |
Tekstverksted: The Blackforest Hotel av Laura Christina Brøvig Vallenes (Generator) |
February 24, 2010 |
Counsellor |
February 11, 2010 |
Direction, Performer, Concept/Idea |
Still life (Passage Nord Project) |
March 6, 2009 |
Concept/Idea, Performer |
Heart in a plastic bag (Operanord) |
2008 |
Direction |
Diafragma 2 (Passage Nord Project) |
2007 |
Concept/Idea, Performer |
Intermezzo i arbeiderklassen* (Intermezzo in the working class) (Karstein Solli ProductionsPanter Tanter Produksjoner) |
April 29, 2006 |
Director’s assistant |
Sacred Blood (TYNSET FM) |
April 20, 2006 |
Staging |
The face of the city (The National TheatreThe Norwegian Theatre) |
August 30, 2005 |
Direction |
Gimme Gimme Gimme (Kjetil Skøien) |
Navember 6, 2004 |
Main producer, Concept/Idea, Performer |
Sitat (UltimaThe Norwegian Theatre) |
2004 |
Direction |
Østerrike (Kaleidoskop) |
2003 |
Direction |
Smells like dog (Passage Nord Project) |
Navember 27, 2002 |
Concept/Idea, Text, Direction |
The dog show (Passage Nord Project) |
2002 |
Concept/Idea |
Bryt lydmuren (Passage Nord ProjectUltima) |
2001 |
Concept/Idea |
Young idea (Passage Nord Project) |
2001 |
Concept/Idea |
A laughter without sound (Passage Nord Project) |
Navember 14, 2000 |
Concept/Idea, Direction, Stage design, Script |
N.N. (Krement X) |
March 2, 2000 |
Actor |
Orkan (Passage Nord Project) |
2000 |
Concept/Idea |
Now That It's November, What Shall I Do With Myself (Passage Nord Project) |
Navember 25, 1999 |
Concept/Idea, Text |
The night of the ink pot (Passage Nord ProjectThe Norwegian Theatre) |
March 23, 1999 |
Concept/Idea, Direction, Performer |
On the ball (Temte Productions) |
January 30, 1999 |
Consultant |
Jeg - Obstfelder (Rogaland Theatre) |
September 11, 1998 |
Direction, Script, Stage design |
Collaborators (Passage Nord Project) |
1998 |
Concept/Idea |
The dream hunters (Passage Nord Project) |
Navember 10, 1997 |
Text, Concept/Idea, Direction, Visual design |
Read My Lips (VerdensteatretBaktruppen) |
September 30, 1997 |
Co-creator |
The patient (Passage Nord Project) |
1996 |
Direction |
Nilen, Bru, Sebastopol (Passage Nord ProjectThe Norwegian Theatre) |
February 18, 1995 |
Direction, Stage design |
Tangent (Passage Nord Project) |
1995 |
Direction |
Twin (Passage Nord ProjectNasjonalmuseetBlack Box Teater) |
October 15, 1994 |
Direction |
The Calendar of the Heart (Passage Nord ProjectOslo Nye Teater (Oslo New Theatre)) |
April 28, 1994 |
Playwright, Costume design, Direction |
Arien Album (Passage Nord Project) |
1994 |
Concept/Idea, Direction, Stage design |
Gåkunstens forfall* (The Decline of the Art of Walking) () |
Navember 21, 1993 |
Instruction |
I want to kiss all the women in the world (Passage Nord Project) |
September 17, 1993 |
Script, Direction, Stage design |
Eternity lasts longest (Passage Nord Project) |
June 15, 1993 |
Direction, Visual design, Script, Performer |
Solo performance (Passage Nord Project) |
1993 |
Concept/Idea, Performer |
Den åttende dagen (Passage Nord Project) |
April 24, 1992 |
Actor |
Springnight (Passage Nord ProjectThe Norwegian Theatre) |
February 5, 1992 |
Dramatised by, Direction, Stage design, Costume design |
I've got you under my skin (Passage Nord Project) |
1992 |
Concept/Idea, Performer |
Diaphragm (Passage Nord Project) |
1992 |
Concept/Idea, Performer, Direction, Room |
Antigone (The Norwegian Theatre) |
February 1, 1991 |
Choreography |
Time fears the pyramid (Passage Nord Project) |
1991 |
Direction, Performer, Adapted by, Stage design |
Klassefiende (Statens teaterhøgskole) |
October 17, 1990 |
Choreogreographic Assistant |
Is it still daytime? (Passage Nord Project) |
May 11, 1990 |
Direction, Stage design, Script |
DOJOJI (a forbidden journey) (Passage Nord Project) |
1990 |
Direction, Choreography, Performer |
Diaphony (Passage Nord Project) |
1990 |
Direction |
Train (Studio Hinderik) |
September 16, 1989 |
Text |
Milky ways (Passage Nord Project) |
August 26, 1989 |
Direction, Stage design, Performer, Idea, Script |
The man who found a horseshoe (Passage Nord Project) |
January 12, 1989 |
Direction, Stage design, Performer, Adapted by, Idea |
So far unchanged (Passage Nord Project) |
1988 |
Concept/Idea |
The roundabout (Second interlude) (Passage Nord Project) |
December 14, 1987 |
Direction, Text, Stage design, Performer |
Train (Studio Hinderik) |
Navember 1987 |
Text |
Ankomst - høyden spiller ingen rolle (Scirocco Dansekompani) |
October 29, 1987 |
Dancer |
The road between water and thirst (Passage Nord Project) |
August 29, 1987 |
Performer, Direction, Text, Stage design, Idea |
An interlude (Passage Nord Project) |
August 25, 1987 |
Stage design, Performer, Direction, Text |
Closed garden (Andanse Theatre) |
February 18, 1987 |
Idea, Text, Stage design, Performer |
Det blir ikke til noe med reisen, det er bare å gå på veien her (1987) (Statens teaterhøgskole) |
1987 |
Counsellor |
Brave boy with flag (Passage Nord Project) |
1987 |
Concept/Idea, Performer |
An interlude (Passage Nord Project) |
May 10, 1986 |
Stage design, Performer, Direction, Text |
The road between water and thirst (Passage Nord Project) |
April 14, 1986 |
Performer, Direction, Text, Stage design, Idea |
I Stillheten Før Forandringen (Kjetil Skøien) |
May 1984 |
Co-creator, Performer |
Dr. Dappertuto (Sharazad) |
January 26, 1982 |
Actor |
Dr. Dappertuto (Sharazad) |
1981 |
Actor |
The Autumn of the Patriarch (Saltkompagniet) |
1979 |
Actor |
Uhyret danser (Saltkompagniet) |
1979 |
Actor (Fuglen / Helten) |
Wachet auf ruft und die stimme (Jaktscener) (Passage Nord Project) |
Performer, Concept/Idea |
Å ligge på scenen (Kjetil Skøien) |
Performer, Concept/Idea |