Sálva/Håndtak (The Arctic TheatreÅarjelhsaemien Teatere AS) |
September 6, 2023 |
Actor, Photo, Visual design |
Allaq – Dållen gïelle, ildens stemme (Åarjelhsaemien Teatere ASTurnékompaniet) |
January 15, 2023 |
Actor (Dorjehtæjja) |
Blood Club #1 (Ferske Scener) |
April 24, 2018 |
Photo |
Heavenly Kingdom (Ferske ScenerRimfrost Productions) |
June 23, 2016 |
Photo |
Not directly hurt (Ferske Scener) |
December 6, 2014 |
Photo |
Requiem for a Pig. Part Two (Ferske Scener) |
February 16, 2013 |
Photo, Video/Film |
Requiem for a Pig. Part One (Ferske Scener) |
February 2, 2013 |
Photo, Video/Film |
Kaspara og kveita (Nordland Visual Theatre) |
February 14, 2004 |
Actor |
Siste kveld med mamma* (Last Evening with Mother) (Totalteatret) |
2001 |
Actor, Direction, Playwright |
A Respectable Wedding (The Arctic Theatre) |
March 15, 2000 |
Actor |
A View from the Bridge (The Arctic Theatre) |
January 8, 2000 |
Actor (Louis / Immigrasjonspoliti 1) |
Nokon kjem til å komme (Totalteatret) |
June 26, 1999 |
Actor (Mannen) |
Angel Fur (Totalteatret) |
February 20, 1999 |
Actor |
Vendt the Monk (TotalteatretThe Arctic TheatreThe National Sami Theatre) |
May 2, 1998 |
Actor |
Ei forestilling om Læstadius* (A performance about Læstadius) (Totalteatret) |
1998 |
Actor |
Ei forestilling om Læstadius* (A performance about Læstadius) (Totalteatret) |
1996 |
Actor |
Jessica (Sampo TeaterTotalteatret) |
October 27, 1993 |
Actor (Kråka) |
Tigeren (Totalteatret) |
March 10, 1993 |
Actor |
Aldri Verden* (Never World) (Totalteatret) |
May 15, 1992 |
Actor, Music |
Salmo Salar (Sampo TeaterTotalteatretNordland TheatreTromsø Danseteater) |
October 18, 1991 |
Actor (Medhjelperen Finn) |
En tango for tre (Totalteatret) |
March 6, 1991 |
Actor (Josse) |
Gjøglerens fødsel (Totalteatret) |
1991 |
Actor |
nitusenByen* (The nine thousand town) (Sampo TeaterTotalteatret) |
May 21, 1989 |
Actor (Jong) |
Mens vi vente... (Sampo TeaterTotalteatret) |
1989 |
Actor (Rød), Songlyrics |
Draug (Totalteatret) |
April 13, 1988 |
Actor (John, skoleelev / Johan, fattiggutt / Storbonden) |
Frokost i det grønne (Totalteatret) |
October 31, 1987 |
Actor |