The Hour We Knew Nothing of Each Other (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) |
April 25, 1998 |
Actor |
A Doll's House (Nordland Theatre) |
September 14, 1995 |
Actor (Anne Marie) |
Graven (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
January 15, 1995 |
Actor (Fru Olsen) |
Moren til David S. (Nordland Theatre) |
January 13, 1994 |
Actor (Mormor) |
Galskapens stillhet (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
Navember 5, 1986 |
Actor |
Galskapens stillhet (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
Navember 4, 1986 |
Actor |
Love and Geography (Oslo Nye Teater (Oslo New Theatre)) |
January 24, 1986 |
Actor (Malla, fry Tygesens pleiemor) |
Flink gutt (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
September 16, 1982 |
Actor (Tante Ellen) |
Den stundesløse (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
February 7, 1978 |
Actor (Anne) |
Joschko (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
August 6, 1977 |
Actor (Babusjka) |
Besøk av en gammel dame (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
June 7, 1977 |
Actor (Første frue) |
Gruer-saken (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
February 15, 1977 |
Actor (Kjerstis mor) |
Kattungen (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
October 23, 1975 |
Actor (Fru Flåseth) |
Den fjerde nattevakt (The Norwegian Theatre) |
March 4, 1975 |
Actor (Pilgrimen (overtagelse)) |
Hellige jul (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
January 2, 1975 |
Choir |
Den fjerde nattevakt (The Norwegian Theatre) |
December 2, 1974 |
Actor (Pilgrimen (overtagelse)) |
A Doll's House (The Norwegian Theatre) |
January 24, 1974 |
Actor (Anne-Marie, barnejente hos Helmer (på turné)) |
Orfila (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
April 19, 1973 |
Actor (Vertinnen) |
Verdens minste kjærlighet (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
January 18, 1973 |
Actor (Hun) |
Milk Wood (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
October 5, 1972 |
Actor (Mrs. Ogmore-Pritchard) |
Spöksonaten (The National Theatre) |
September 26, 1972 |
Actor (Portnerkonen) |
Hertugens memoarer (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
June 23, 1972 |
Actor (Moren, Mrs. Mazzini) |
Wo-ai, Pao-Pei (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
April 15, 1972 |
Actor (Fru Min, husbestyrerinne) |
Wo-ai, Pao-Pei (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
April 8, 1972 |
Actor (Fru Min, husbestyrerinne) |
Wo-ai, Pao-Pei (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
April 1, 1972 |
Actor (Fru Min, husbestyrerinne) |
Moren (The National Theatre) |
February 16, 1972 |
Actor (Sigorskijs kone / Den fattige kvinnen / Den svartkledde) |
A Doll's House (The National Theatre) |
September 23, 1971 |
Actor (Anne Marie) |
A Doll's House (The National Theatre) |
August 25, 1971 |
Actor (Anne Marie) |
The Fussy Man (The National Theatre) |
June 1971 |
Actor (Anne, Vielgeschreis kokkepike i 1971) |
Skyt deg, Senja (The National Theatre) |
April 30, 1971 |
Actor (En kone) |
Farlig selskap - God aften, mitt navn er Cox, 4. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
December 18, 1970 |
Actor (Mrs. Shanders) |
Farlig selskap - God aften, mitt navn er Cox, 4. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
December 11, 1970 |
Actor (Mrs. Shanders) |
Farlig selskap - God aften, mitt navn er Cox, 4. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
December 4, 1970 |
Actor (Mrs. Shanders) |
Farlig selskap - God aften, mitt navn er Cox, 4. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 27, 1970 |
Actor (Mrs. Shanders) |
Farlig selskap - God aften, mitt navn er Cox, 4. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 20, 1970 |
Actor (Mrs. Shanders) |
Farlig selskap - God aften, mitt navn er Cox, 4. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 13, 1970 |
Actor (Mrs. Shanders) |
Farlig selskap - God aften, mitt navn er Cox, 4. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 6, 1970 |
Actor (Mrs. Shanders) |
I trifidenes dager (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 28, 1969 |
Actor (Miss Florence Durrant) |
I trifidenes dager (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 21, 1969 |
Actor (Miss Florence Durrant) |
I trifidenes dager (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 14, 1969 |
Actor (Miss Florence Durrant) |
I trifidenes dager (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 7, 1969 |
Actor (Miss Florence Durrant) |
I trifidenes dager (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
February 28, 1969 |
Actor (Miss Florence Durrant) |
I trifidenes dager (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
February 21, 1969 |
Actor (Miss Florence Durrant) |
Det levende lik (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
January 16, 1969 |
Actor (Elisavetta Andrejevna Protasova, kalt Lisa) |
Malkersaken (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 13, 1968 |
Actor (Fru Schenkel) |
The Fussy Man (The National Theatre) |
October 5, 1968 |
Actor (Anne, Vielgeschreis kokkepike i 1971) |
Martin Chuzzlewit (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
June 4, 1967 |
Actor (Fru Lupin, vertinnen i "Den Blå Drage") |
Skatten på Montserrat (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
September 3, 1966 |
Actor (Dona Cecilia) |
Sylvestre Bonnards forbrytelse (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
June 9, 1966 |
Actor (Hélene de Gabry) |
Smeltedigelen (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
August 31, 1965 |
Actor (Ann Putnam) |
Kreutzersonaten (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
May 26, 1964 |
Actor (Natalia Aleksandrovna, Lisas søster) |
Pillars of Society (The National Stage) |
May 25, 1961 |
Actor (Betty Bernick (vår)) |
Hustruleken (The National Stage) |
January 24, 1961 |
Actor (Constance Russel) |
Du er morderen (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 6, 1960 |
Actor (Fru Johnsen) |
Revisoren (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
January 5, 1960 |
Actor (Anna Andrejevna) |
Huset i skogen* (The House in the Wood) (The National Stage) |
December 26, 1959 |
Actor (Mor) |
Det lykkelige valg (The National Stage) |
December 26, 1959 |
Actor (Maja Pålsbo) |
The Threepenny Opera (The National Stage) |
May 29, 1959 |
Actor (Polly Peachum) |
Pippi Longstocking (The National Stage) |
December 26, 1957 |
Actor (Fru Alexandersen) |
The Taming of the Shrew (The National Stage) |
March 2, 1956 |
Actor (Katharina) |
Den søte kløe (The National Stage) |
April 1, 1955 |
Actor (Helen Sherman) |
Vær OBS! på det (The National Stage) |
February 6, 1955 |
Actor |
Peer Gynt (The National Stage) |
March 2, 1954 |
Actor (Seterjente) |
Mascarade (The National Stage) |
June 3, 1953 |
Actor (Leonora) |
Adéles dyder (The National Stage) |
April 10, 1953 |
Actor (Solange) |
Sheppey (The National Stage) |
Navember 7, 1952 |
Actor (Bessie) |
Lykkelige tid (The National Stage) |
December 26, 1951 |
Actor (Susan Bonnard, Bibbis mor) |
Bryllupet i kongsgården (The National Stage) |
December 26, 1951 |
Actor (Tjenestepiken) |
Amfitryon 38 (The National Stage) |
December 5, 1951 |
Actor (Leda) |
Teater (The National Stage) |
May 30, 1951 |
Actor (Dolly de Vries. venninne av Julia og Michael) |
Det kunne vært deg (The National Stage) |
March 16, 1951 |
Actor (Ingrid) |
Leocadia (The National Stage) |
January 20, 1951 |
Actor (Amanda) |
Når den ny vin blomstrer (The National Stage) |
October 1950 |
Actor (Alberta) |
Agnete (The National Stage) |
October 19, 1949 |
Actor (Sara) |
Kjære Ruth (The National Stage) |
March 30, 1949 |
Actor (Martha Seawright) |
Eurydike (The National Stage) |
March 1, 1949 |
Actor (Eurydike) |
Sjokoladesoldaten (The National Stage) |
January 20, 1948 |
Actor (Raina Petkopff) |
Revisoren (The National Stage) |
October 4, 1947 |
Actor (Maria Antonovna, borgermesterens datter) |
Når den ny vin blomstrer (The National Stage) |
August 22, 1947 |
Actor (Alberta) |
Helligtrekongersaften (The National Stage) |
January 24, 1947 |
Actor (Viola) |
Mascarade (The National Stage) |
September 18, 1946 |
Actor (Leonora) |
Kjærlighet* (Love) (The National Stage) |
June 12, 1945 |
Actor (Lekpredikantens datter) |
Dunungen (The National Stage) |
December 26, 1944 |
Actor (Dunungen) |
Tre må en være (The National Stage) |
January 21, 1944 |
Actor |
Leken i skogen (The National Stage) |
October 27, 1943 |
Actor (Rosalinde, Celias kusine) |
Troll i eske (The National Stage) |
December 12, 1942 |
Actor |
Kunsten å leve (Centralteatret) |
August 6, 1942 |
Actor («Morten» (overtok etter Wenche Klouman)) |
Pygmalion (The National Stage) |
April 21, 1942 |
Actor (Clara Eynsford-Hill) |
John Gabriel Borkman (The National Stage) |
January 27, 1942 |
Actor (Frida Foldal) |
Prinsessene i berget det blå (The National Stage) |
December 26, 1941 |
Actor (Prinsesse) |
The Count of Luxembourg (The National Stage) |
December 3, 1941 |
Actor (Coralie, modell) |
The Interrupted Honeymoon AKA The Postponed Wedding Night (The National Stage) |
September 6, 1941 |
Actor (Edith) |
The Interrupted Honeymoon AKA The Postponed Wedding Night (The National Stage) |
May 6, 1941 |
Actor (Edith) |
Getting Gertie's Garter (The National Stage) |
December 26, 1940 |
Actor (Barbara) |
Kjærlighet* (Love) (The National Stage) |
October 22, 1940 |
Actor (Lekpredikantens datter) |
Ja, hvorfor ikke? (Søilen Teater) |
June 1940 |
Actor |
Ja, hvorfor ikke? (Søilen Teater) |
May 13, 1940 |
Actor |
Johan Ulfstjerna (Søilen Teater) |
January 19, 1940 |
Actor (Agda Gauvin) |
Kone for en natt (Carl Johan Teatret (Karl Johans gate)) |
June 10, 1939 |
Actor (Bella Wilson) |
Getting Gertie's Garter (Carl Johan Teatret (Karl Johans gate)) |
March 19, 1939 |
Actor (Barbara, Billys kone) |
Det mystiske vertshus (Carl Johan Teatret (Karl Johans gate)) |
October 1, 1938 |
Actor |
På jakt efter fruen (Carl Johan Teatret (Karl Johans gate)) |
September 20, 1938 |
Actor (En sykepleierske) |