Karl Bergmann
Also known as: Karl August BergmannInformation
(Objekt ID 19737)Object type | Person |
Also known as | Karl August Bergmann |
Born | Navember 15, 1882 (dead June 16, 1964) |
Functions | Director, Actor, Theatre director |
Nationality | Norwegian |
Gender | Male |
Affiliations (3)
- Trøndelag Theatre - Theatre director (from 1942 to 1942)
- Stavanger Theater - Theatre director (from 1918 to 1921)
- The National Stage - Theatre director (from 1931 to 1934)
Involved in productions (337)
Title | Premiere | Role |
Jan Herwitz (The National Stage) | February 22, 1960 | Actor (Kjøbmann Bøschen) |
Lille frøken Nitouche (The National Stage) | April 7, 1958 | Actor (Sersjant) |
Jan Herwitz (The National Stage) | January 6, 1957 | Actor (Kjøbmann Bøschen) |
Festen på Bergenhus (The National Stage) | June 3, 1954 | Actor (Alexander Grieg, konsul) |
Festen på Bergenhus (The National Stage) | June 2, 1953 | Actor (Alexander Grieg, konsul) |
Tyv i lyset (The National Stage) | March 13, 1953 | Actor (Politimannen) |
Jan Herwitz (The National Stage) | Navember 15, 1952 | Actor (Kjøbmann Bøschen) |
Gamle Winckels testamente (The National Stage) | August 21, 1951 | Actor (Gamle Winckel) |
Jan Herwitz (The National Stage) | March 9, 1951 | Actor (Kjøbmann Bøschen) |
Jeppe på Berget (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) | February 6, 1951 | Direction |
Jeppe på Berget (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) | August 16, 1950 | Direction |
Den vægelsindede (The Norwegian Theatre) | August 15, 1950 | Direction |
Jan Herwitz (The National Stage) | Navember 22, 1949 | Actor (Kjøbmann Bøschen) |
Det lykkelige skibbrud (The National Stage) | Navember 1, 1949 | Actor (Jeronimus) |
Barselstuen (The National Stage) | December 3, 1948 | Direction |
The Spanish Fly (The National Stage) | June 4, 1946 | Actor (Wimmer) |
Kjærlighet* (Love) (The National Stage) | June 12, 1945 | Actor (Biskopen 1940) |
Jeppe of the Hill (Det Nye Teater) | September 12, 1944 | Direction |
Maria Stuart (The National Stage) | April 14, 1944 | Direction |
Rosmersholm (The National Stage) | December 7, 1943 | Direction, Actor (Ulrik Brendel) |
Leken i skogen (The National Stage) | October 27, 1943 | Actor (Den landsforviste fyrsten) |
En kvinne er overflødig (The National Stage) | October 12, 1943 | Actor |
Minneforestilling - Edvard Grieg 1843-1943 (The National Stage) | June 19, 1943 | Direction |
Brand (The National Stage) | May 1943 | Actor (Fogden) |
Jan Herwitz (Trøndelag Theatre) | January 14, 1943 | Direction, Actor (Kjøbmand Bøschen, Herwitz´ svoger) |
Erasmus Montanus (Trøndelag Theatre) | December 8, 1942 | Direction |
Over Ævne I (Trøndelag Theatre) | Navember 18, 1942 | Direction, Actor (Biskopen) |
The Wild Duck (Trøndelag Theatre) | October 20, 1942 | Actor (Grosserer Werle, verkseier) |
Brand (The National Stage) | March 5, 1942 | Actor (Fogden) |
John Gabriel Borkman (The National Stage) | January 27, 1942 | Direction, Actor (John Gabriel Borkman) |
Gjengangere (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama divisionThe National Stage) | March 28, 1941 | Actor (Pastor Manders) |
The Sacred Flame (The National Stage) | February 4, 1941 | Direction |
The Cousin from Nowhere (The National Stage) | Navember 8, 1940 | Direction |
Kjærlighet* (Love) (The National Stage) | October 22, 1940 | Actor (Biskopen 1940) |
Hay Fever (The National Stage) | October 1, 1940 | Actor (Judiths ektemann) |
Rosmersholm (The National Stage) | September 12, 1940 | Direction, Actor (Ulrik Brendel) |
Jan Herwitz (The National Stage) | July 9, 1940 | Actor (Kjøpmann Bøschen) |
The Spanish Fly (The National Stage) | June 20, 1940 | Actor (Wimmer) |
The Spanish Fly (The National Stage) | June 4, 1940 | Actor (Wimmer) |
The Political Tinker (The National Stage) | January 2, 1940 | Actor (Herman von Bremen), Direction |
Golden Boy (The National Stage) | September 3, 1939 | Direction, Actor |
Erasmus Montanus (The National Theatre) | September 1, 1939 | Direction |
Peer Gynt (The National Stage) | June 20, 1939 | Actor (Bonden på Hægstad / Knappestøperen) |
Anna Sophie Hedvig (The National Stage) | May 1, 1939 | Actor (Direktør Karmach) |
Ghosts (The National Stage) | April 19, 1939 | Actor (Pastor Manders) |
Det store Vi (The National Stage) | February 9, 1939 | Actor (Grosserer Herre) |
Kvinner (The National Stage) | December 26, 1938 | Direction |
The Wild Duck (The National Stage) | Navember 29, 1938 | Actor (Gamle Ekdal) |
Menneskje i drift (The National Stage) | October 25, 1938 | Direction |
Abrahams offer (The National Stage) | September 21, 1938 | Actor (Jørgen Tonning) |
I moralens navn (The National Stage) | March 13, 1938 | Actor (Balthazar Krahn-Johnsen, halvbror av Krahn-Johnsen) |
Over Ævne II (The National Stage) | February 25, 1938 | Actor (Otto Herre) |
Mannen som alle ville myrde (The National Stage) | January 25, 1938 | Actor (Kunstsamler Berger) |
De lystige fruer i Windsor (The National Stage) | January 4, 1938 | Actor (Dum) |
Tante Ulrikke (The National Stage) | December 8, 1937 | Direction, Actor (Professor Blom) |
Berse på Strondi (The National Stage) | Navember 18, 1937 | Direction |
Ghosts (The National Stage) | October 20, 1937 | Actor (Pastor Manders) |
Idiot's Delight (The National Stage) | September 10, 1937 | Actor (Forskeren) |
Jan Herwitz (The National Stage) | April 23, 1937 | Actor (Kjøbmann Bøschen), Direction |
The Defeat (The National Stage) | April 20, 1937 | Actor (Thiers, Frankrikes president) |
Kongen av Saba (The National Stage) | February 21, 1937 | Actor (Nils Hansen) |
Den vægelsindede (The National Theatre) | December 3, 1936 | Direction |
Mannen uten sjel (The National Stage) | October 31, 1936 | Actor (Den blinde tiggeren) |
Ball på Savoy (The National Stage) | September 16, 1936 | Direction |
På solsiden (Det Nye Teater) | July 24, 1936 | Actor (Onkel Severin), Direction |
Ærlegdom varer aldri lengst (The National Stage) | July 6, 1936 | Direction |
Lindagull (The National Stage) | February 4, 1936 | Direction |
Kierlighed uden Strømper (The National Stage) | February 4, 1936 | Actor (Johan von Ehrenpreis), Direction |
Jeg vil værge mitt land (The National Stage) | January 19, 1936 | Actor (John Lowen Berger) |
Gamle Heidelberg (The National Stage) | December 26, 1935 | Actor (Von Breitenberg), Direction, Actor (Dr. Phil. Jüttner) |
Natten før den siste (The National Stage) | December 8, 1935 | Direction |
Saint Joan (The National Stage) | Navember 14, 1935 | Actor (Peter Cauchon) |
På solsiden (The National Stage) | October 2, 1935 | Actor (Onkel Severin) |
Veien til rikdom (The National Stage) | September 22, 1935 | Direction |
Our Power and Our Glory (The National Stage) | May 4, 1935 | Actor (Ditlef S. Mathisen, skibsreder) |
Berse på Strondi (The National Stage) | April 22, 1935 | Direction |
Ishavsfolk (The National Stage) | March 9, 1935 | Direction |
Geniet Christopher (The National Stage) | March 8, 1935 | Actor (Dr. Haggett) |
Maria Stuart i Skottland (The National Stage) | January 23, 1935 | Actor (Knox) |
Halsbåndet (The National Stage) | December 26, 1934 | Direction |
Den stundesløse (The National Stage) | December 3, 1934 | Actor (Vielgeschrey) |
Flaggermusen (The National Stage) | Navember 28, 1934 | Actor (Tussing) |
Baldevin's Wedding (The National Stage) | Navember 14, 1934 | Direction |
Bøddelen (The National Stage) | October 23, 1934 | Actor (Skomakeren / En professor) |
Skjønne ungdom (The National Stage) | October 12, 1934 | Direction, Actor (Tommy) |
Dunungen (The National Stage) | May 7, 1934 | Direction |
Ugler i mosen (The National Stage) | April 20, 1934 | Direction |
Vold (The National Stage) | March 11, 1934 | Direction |
Vokenatt (The National Stage) | February 27, 1934 | Direction |
Pillars of Society (The National Stage) | February 19, 1934 | Actor (Hilmar Tønnessen) |
Vi Hallams (The National Stage) | February 4, 1934 | Direction |
The Spanish Fly (The National Stage) | December 3, 1933 | Actor (Wimmer) |
Onkel Vanja (The National Stage) | Navember 17, 1933 | Actor (Ivan P. Vojnitskij (Vanja)), Direction |
Ti minutters alibi (The National Stage) | October 20, 1933 | Direction |
Søn og far (The National Stage) | October 6, 1933 | Direction |
Jan Herwitz (The National Stage) | May 17, 1933 | Actor (Kjøbmann Bøschen), Direction |
Ishavsfolk (The National Stage) | April 17, 1933 | Direction |
Døden og kjærligheten (The National Stage) | March 3, 1933 | Direction |
Snow White (The National Stage) | December 26, 1932 | Playwright |
Over Ævne I (The National Stage) | December 8, 1932 | Direction |
Leonarda (The National Stage) | December 7, 1932 | Actor (Biskopen) |
Du og jeg (The National Stage) | Navember 8, 1932 | Direction |
Dydens have (The National Stage) | October 28, 1932 | Direction |
Ungen (The National Stage) | September 7, 1932 | Direction |
Willis kone (The National Stage) | August 31, 1932 | Direction |
Andersen (The National Stage) | April 10, 1932 | Direction |
Faust I (The National Stage) | March 28, 1932 | Direction |
Brødrene* (The Brothers) (The National Stage) | January 19, 1932 | Direction |
Etienne (The National Stage) | January 5, 1932 | Direction |
Den glade enke (The National Stage) | Navember 24, 1931 | Direction |
En reise i natten (The National Stage) | Navember 10, 1931 | Direction |
Marius (The National Stage) | October 11, 1931 | Direction |
The Sacred Flame (The National Stage) | September 23, 1931 | Direction |
Irenes eventyr (The National Stage) | September 18, 1931 | Direction |
Trold i æske (The National Stage) | September 12, 1931 | Direction |
Tante Ulrikke (The National Stage) | September 8, 1931 | Actor (Professor Blom) |
Viktorias Husar (The National Stage) | May 9, 1931 | Direction |
Souper (The National Stage) | March 29, 1931 | Direction |
John Gabriel Borkman (The National Stage) | March 16, 1931 | Actor (John Gabriel Borkman) |
Fiolen fra Montmartre (The National Stage) | March 6, 1931 | Direction |
Prinsessen og Danseren (The National Stage) | December 26, 1930 | Direction |
Familien Hannemann (The National Stage) | Navember 30, 1930 | Direction |
The Sacred Flame (The National Stage) | Navember 14, 1930 | Direction |
Mordet i 3dje Etage (The National Stage) | October 28, 1930 | Direction |
Helligtrekongersaften eller Hvad man har lyst til (The National Stage) | October 14, 1930 | Actor (Malvolio) |
Vor lille frue (The National Stage) | September 21, 1930 | Direction |
Atten aar (The National Stage) | September 1, 1930 | Actor (Grosserer Woodley), Direction |
Keiserinden (The National Stage) | May 8, 1930 | Direction |
Over Ævne I (The National Stage) | April 4, 1930 | Actor (Bratt) |
Morbror Vanja (The Norwegian Theatre) | March 8, 1930 | Direction |
Jean de France (The Norwegian Theatre) | February 18, 1930 | Direction, Actor (Jean de France) |
Regnskabets dag (The National Stage) | January 14, 1930 | Actor (Finn Hegaard) |
Lars Anders og Jan Anders (The National Stage) | December 26, 1929 | Actor (Lars Anders), Direction, Translation |
Et lite uheld (The National Stage) | Navember 29, 1929 | Direction |
Weekend i Paradis (The National Stage) | Navember 1, 1929 | Direction |
Baktalelsens skole (The National Stage) | September 29, 1929 | Actor (Mr. Crabtree) |
Sorgen forgik mig ... - Bergensrevyen 1929 (The National Stage) | May 29, 1929 | Actor |
Kjærlighed uden Strømper (The National Stage) | May 17, 1929 | Actor (Johan von Ehrenpreis), Direction |
Stakkars Haselhuhn! (Centralteatret) | March 26, 1929 | Translation |
Deptfordmysteriet (The National Stage) | March 17, 1929 | Actor (Maurice Meister, sakfører) |
Atten aar (The National Stage) | February 26, 1929 | Actor (Grosserer Woodley), Direction |
Den vægelsindede (The National Stage) | February 19, 1929 | Actor (Petronius), Direction |
Stakkars Haselhuhn! (The National Stage) | December 26, 1928 | Direction |
Vaar i Heidelberg (The National Stage) | Navember 23, 1928 | Direction |
Tre smaa piker (The National Stage) | September 19, 1928 | Direction |
Den gamle prest (The National Stage) | September 4, 1928 | Actor (Grev Carl Schwartau Trolle) |
Hurra - en gut! (The National Stage) | August 19, 1928 | Direction |
Hendes Excellence (The National Stage) | June 15, 1928 | Direction |
Czardasfyrstinden (The National Stage) | June 3, 1928 | Direction |
The Spanish Fly (The National Stage) | May 17, 1928 | Actor (Wimmer) |
Eventyreren foran porten (The National Stage) | May 2, 1928 | Direction |
Paul Lange og Tora Parsberg (The National Stage) | April 11, 1928 | Actor (Piene) |
John Gabriel Borkman (The National Stage) | March 21, 1928 | Actor (John Gabriel Borkman) |
Peer Gynt (The National Stage) | March 20, 1928 | Direction |
The League of Youth (The National Theatre) | March 16, 1928 | Actor (Daniel Heire) |
Cirkusprinsessen (The National Stage) | February 24, 1928 | Direction |
Bajaderen (The National Stage) | February 3, 1928 | Direction |
Tante Jenifers testamente (The National Stage) | January 22, 1928 | Direction |
The Witch (The National Stage) | December 2, 1927 | Actor (Absalon Pederssønn Beyer, slotsprest på Bergenhus) |
Kjærlighetens tragedie (The National Stage) | Navember 18, 1927 | Direction, Actor (Hartvig Hadeln) |
Aa Søren! (The National Stage) | Navember 6, 1927 | Direction |
A Midsummer Night's Dream (The National Stage) | October 11, 1927 | Actor (Møne, tømmermand) |
Jan Herwitz (The National Stage) | September 22, 1927 | Actor (Kjøbmann Bøschen), Direction |
Charley's Aunt (The National Stage) | September 18, 1927 | Direction |
Lucies Mænd (The National Stage) | August 24, 1927 | Translation, Direction |
Friarar (The National Stage) | August 12, 1927 | Direction |
Det lykkelige valg (The National Stage) | August 6, 1927 | Actor (Skomaker Fingalsen) |
Bedre mands barn (The National Stage) | June 6, 1927 | Direction |
The Interrupted Honeymoon AKA The Postponed Wedding Night (The National Stage) | May 3, 1927 | Direction |
Det gamle spil om Enhver (The National Stage) | April 12, 1927 | Actor (Døden) |
Fossegrimen (The National Stage) | March 22, 1927 | Actor (Ola Norigar'n) |
Guldkalven (The National Stage) | January 23, 1927 | Direction |
Sommerliv paa Storgaarden (The National Stage) | Navember 21, 1926 | Direction, Actor (Ola Persson, skredder) |
Jan Herwitz (The National Stage) | October 26, 1926 | Actor (Kjøbmann Bøschen), Direction |
Det lykkelige skibbrud (The National Stage) | October 25, 1926 | Direction, Actor (Rosiflengius) |
Kolportage (The National Stage) | October 10, 1926 | Direction |
Othello (The National Stage) | October 1, 1926 | Actor (Brabantio) |
Korken (The National Stage) | August 15, 1926 | Direction, Translation, Actor |
Jomfru Hook van Holland (The National Stage) | March 3, 1926 | Direction |
Kassamangel (The National Stage) | February 14, 1926 | Direction |
Thora van Deken (The National Stage) | January 30, 1926 | Actor (Herredsfogden) |
Trollebotn (The National Stage) | January 15, 1926 | Actor (Werenhjem, en godseier) |
Den grønne elevator (The National Stage) | December 26, 1925 | Direction |
Storrengjøring (The National Stage) | December 2, 1925 | Direction |
Det levende lik (The National Stage) | Navember 3, 1925 | Actor (Fjodor Vasiljevitsch Protasof (Fedja)) |
Erasmus Montanus (The Norwegian Theatre) | September 26, 1925 | Direction, Actor (Erasmus Montanus) |
The League of Youth (The National Theatre) | September 5, 1925 | Actor (Daniel Heire) |
33.333 (The National Stage) | August 23, 1925 | Direction |
Trold i æske (The National Stage) | August 16, 1925 | Direction |
Bajaderen (The National Stage) | June 12, 1925 | Direction |
Grevinde Mariza (The National Stage) | May 6, 1925 | Direction |
Vaarbrytning (The National Stage) | April 17, 1925 | Actor (Professor Kahlbauch), Direction |
Reisen til Kina (The National Stage) | March 22, 1925 | Direction |
John Gabriel Borkman (The National Stage) | March 11, 1925 | Actor (John Gabriel Borkman) |
Tusind og en nat (The National Stage) | February 11, 1925 | Direction, Actor (Harun al Raschid) |
Lilac Time (The National Stage) | February 2, 1925 | Direction |
Sakfører Hellmanns (The National Stage) | January 23, 1925 | Actor (Hellmann, sakfører) |
Jan Herwitz (The National Stage) | January 18, 1925 | Actor (Kjøbmann Bøschen), Direction |
Madame Sans-Gêne (The National Stage) | December 26, 1924 | Actor (Fouché) |
Kongens hjerte (The National Stage) | December 21, 1924 | Direction |
En kvinde uten betydning (The National Stage) | December 5, 1924 | Direction |
Den stundesløse (The National Stage) | December 3, 1924 | Direction, Actor (Peder Eriksen) |
Spele um Else Linborg (The National Stage) | Navember 18, 1924 | Actor (Birge Morki) |
Mascot (The National Stage) | October 20, 1924 | Direction |
Han som faar ørefikene (The National Stage) | September 26, 1924 | Actor (Grev Manzini, Consuellas far) |
The League of Youth (The National Stage) | September 9, 1924 | Actor (Daniel Hejre), Direction |
John Gabriel Borkman (Stavanger Theater) | August 29, 1924 | Direction, Actor (John Gabriel Borkman) |
En pokkers fyr (The National Stage) | August 24, 1924 | Shadow play |
Brændende jord (Stavanger Theater) | May 8, 1924 | Direction |
Erasmus Montanus (Stavanger Theater) | May 3, 1924 | Actor (Erasmus), Direction |
Paul Lange og Tora Parsberg (Stavanger Theater) | February 16, 1924 | Actor (Gamle Stam) |
Ungkarlens datter (Stavanger Theater) | February 5, 1924 | Direction |
Dunungen (The National Stage) | February 4, 1924 | Direction |
Agnete (Stavanger Theater) | Navember 24, 1923 | Direction |
Czardasfyrstinden (The National Stage) | Navember 6, 1923 | Direction |
Jan Herwitz (Stavanger Theater) | October 11, 1923 | Actor (Kjøbmand Bøschen, Herwitz' svoger), Direction |
Gengangere (Stavanger Theater) | September 29, 1923 | Direction, Actor (Osvald Alving) |
Jarlshus (Stavanger Theater) | September 20, 1923 | Direction, Actor (Brukseier Jarl) |
Orfeus i underverdenen (Stavanger Theater) | August 21, 1923 | Direction |
Hollænderpiken (Stavanger Theater) | June 7, 1923 | Direction |
Det lykkelige valg (The National Stage) | May 4, 1923 | Actor (Skomaker Fingalsen) |
En kvinde uten betydning (Stavanger Theater) | April 19, 1923 | Direction, Actor (Lord Illingworth) |
Din egen herre (Stavanger Theater) | March 15, 1923 | Direction, Actor (Lars Litlevik, hotelvært) |
Sigurd Jorsalfar (Stavanger Theater) | February 27, 1923 | Actor (Kong Sigurd) |
Kameliadamen (Stavanger Theater) | January 12, 1923 | Direction |
Gamle Heidelberg (Stavanger Theater) | December 19, 1922 | Actor (Dr.phil. Suttner), Direction |
Tornerose (Stavanger Theater) | December 10, 1922 | Direction |
Maria Stuart (Stavanger Theater) | October 26, 1922 | Actor (Greven av Shrewsbury ) |
Storstadsluft (The National Stage) | October 20, 1922 | Direction |
Den stundesløse (Stavanger Theater) | September 26, 1922 | Direction, Actor (Peder Eriksen) |
The Political Tinker (The National Stage) | September 26, 1922 | Direction |
The Cousin from Nowhere (Stavanger Theater) | August 24, 1922 | Direction |
Pappas lille pike (Stavanger Theater) | June 9, 1922 | Direction |
Eventyret (Stavanger Theater) | May 31, 1922 | Direction |
Czardasfyrstinden (The National Stage) | May 12, 1922 | Direction |
Nitouche (The National Stage) | April 17, 1922 | Direction |
Maria Stuart (The National Stage) | March 17, 1922 | Actor |
Fossegrimen (Stavanger Theater) | March 9, 1922 | Direction |
The Spanish Fly (Stavanger Theater) | February 3, 1922 | Actor (Wimmer) |
Den politiske kandestøber (Stavanger Theater) | January 27, 1922 | Direction |
Leonarda (Stavanger Theater) | January 17, 1922 | Direction, Actor (Biskopen) |
500% (Stavanger Theater) | December 26, 1921 | Direction |
Den glade enke (Stavanger Theater) | December 1, 1921 | Direction |
Det lykkelige valg (The National Stage) | October 12, 1921 | Actor (Skomaker Fingalsen) |
Magdalene (Stavanger Theater) | September 27, 1921 | Actor (En ven) |
Willis kone (Stavanger Theater) | September 9, 1921 | Actor (Schimmelmann, godseier) |
Den ideale ægtemand (Stavanger Theater) | August 31, 1921 | Direction, Actor (Sir Robert Chiltern) |
Czardasfyrstinden (The National Stage) | May 31, 1921 | Direction |
Tyrannens fald (The National Stage) | May 5, 1921 | Direction |
Peer Gynt (The National Stage) | April 22, 1921 | Actor (Herr von Eberkopf / En mager person) |
To mennesker (The National Stage) | March 29, 1921 | Actor (Ingeniør Eilif Bratt) |
Gengangere (The National Stage) | March 11, 1921 | Actor (Osvald Alving) |
Den hellige lund (The National Stage) | February 1, 1921 | Actor (Akademidirektøren) |
Den stundesløse (The National Stage) | January 11, 1921 | Direction, Actor (Peder Eriksen) |
Dunungen (The National Stage) | December 17, 1920 | Direction |
Jan Herwitz (The National Stage) | August 20, 1920 | Actor (Bøschen) |
Miss Hobbs (The National Stage) | June 4, 1920 | Direction |
Nitouche (The National Stage) | May 16, 1920 | Direction |
Leonarda (The National Stage) | April 23, 1920 | Actor (Biskopen) |
Maria Stuart (The National Stage) | February 3, 1920 | Actor |
Indenfor murene (The National Stage) | January 23, 1920 | Actor (Jacob, Levins sønn) |
Gengangere (The National Stage) | January 14, 1920 | Actor (Osvald Alving) |
Tyrannens fald (The National Stage) | December 12, 1919 | Direction |
Rosmersholm (The National Stage) | October 24, 1919 | Actor (Johannes Rosmer) |
The Political Tinker (The National Stage) | October 7, 1919 | Direction |
The Wild Duck (The National Stage) | May 13, 1919 | Actor (Gregers Werle) |
En pokkers fyr (The National Stage) | April 21, 1919 | Shadow play |
Det store Vi (The National Stage) | March 18, 1919 | Direction, Actor (Winge) |
Bartonmysteriet (The National Stage) | January 30, 1919 | Direction |
Jan Herwitz (The National Stage) | December 26, 1918 | Actor (Bøschen) |
Maria Stuart (The National Stage) | December 13, 1918 | Actor |
Avertér (The National Stage) | December 8, 1918 | Direction |
Onkel Stephan (The National Stage) | Navember 26, 1918 | Actor (Doktor Stephan Vigeland) |
Storstadsluft (The National Stage) | Navember 2, 1918 | Direction |
500 % (The National Stage) | October 8, 1918 | Direction |
The Spanish Fly (The National Stage) | August 27, 1918 | Actor (Wimmer) |
Baandet (The National Stage) | May 31, 1918 | Actor (Baronen, 42 år) |
Frøkenens mand (The National Stage) | May 13, 1918 | Direction |
John Gabriel Borkman (The National Stage) | March 22, 1918 | Actor (John Gabriel Borkman) |
Lea (The National Stage) | February 14, 1918 | Actor (Josva Josch, Leas forlovede) |
Erasmus Montanus (The National Stage) | Navember 30, 1917 | Actor (Erasmus Montanus) |
Kong Midas (The National Stage) | Navember 18, 1917 | Actor (Huitfeldt-Olsen, journalist) |
Daniel Hertz (The National Stage) | Navember 1, 1917 | Actor (Daniel Hertz) |
Storstadsluft (The National Stage) | September 28, 1917 | Direction |
På glatis (The National Stage) | August 14, 1917 | Direction |
The Spanish Fly (The National Stage) | May 26, 1917 | Actor (Wimmer) |
Ved rigets port (The National Stage) | April 24, 1917 | Actor |
Avertér (The National Stage) | March 27, 1917 | Direction |
To verdener (The National Stage) | March 3, 1917 | Actor (Advokat Vilhelm Borgen) |
Pillars of Society (The National Stage) | February 17, 1917 | Actor (Hilmar Tønnesen) |
Sigurd Jorsalfar (The National Stage) | February 10, 1917 | Actor (1917) |
Kongen (The National Stage) | January 26, 1917 | Actor (Flink) |
Schöllers pensionat (The National Stage) | January 21, 1917 | Direction |
33.333 (The National Stage) | January 14, 1917 | Direction |
An Enemy of the People (The National Stage) | January 11, 1917 | Actor (Billing) |
Ole Lukøie (The National Stage) | December 29, 1916 | Direction |
33.333 (The National Stage) | Navember 19, 1916 | Direction |
En pokkers fyr (The National Stage) | October 29, 1916 | Shadow play |
Sigurd Jorsalfar (The National Stage) | October 25, 1916 | Actor (1917) |
Den indbildt Syge (The National Stage) | October 10, 1916 | Actor (Argan) |
Regnskabets dag (The National Stage) | September 22, 1916 | Actor (Finn Hegaard) |
Gengangere (The National Stage) | September 1, 1916 | Actor (Osvald Alving) |
Schöllers pensionat (The National Stage) | August 20, 1916 | Direction |
Min ven Teddy (The National Stage) | August 8, 1916 | Actor (Jacques Bertin) |
Det lykkelige valg (The National Stage) | May 17, 1916 | Actor (Skomaker Fingalsen) |
Tornerose (The National Stage) | December 27, 1915 | Direction |
Storhertuginden av Geroldstein (The National Stage) | December 10, 1915 | Direction |
Brist (The National Stage) | October 26, 1915 | Actor (Konsul Klemmert Hanger) |
33.333 (The National Stage) | October 3, 1915 | Direction |
Lovens arm (The National Stage) | October 2, 1915 | Actor (William Irwin) |
Den nye bygd (The National Stage) | September 21, 1915 | Actor (Holt, driftsbestyrer) |
The Spanish Fly (The National Stage) | August 13, 1915 | Actor (Wimmer) |
Johan Ulfstjerna (The National Stage) | May 28, 1915 | Actor (En sekretær) |
Skyldig eller uskyldig? (The National Stage) | May 24, 1915 | Direction |
Jan Herwitz (The National Stage) | May 1915 | Actor (Kjøpmann Bøschen) |
An Enemy of the People (The National Stage) | April 16, 1915 | Actor (Billing) |
Helligtrekongersaften (The National Stage) | April 1, 1915 | Actor (Malvolio, Olivias hushovmester) |
Fernands bryllup (The National Stage) | March 12, 1915 | Direction, Actor (Fernand) |
Kontanter (The National Stage) | January 24, 1915 | Direction, Actor (Samuel Welch, millionærsøn) |
Snehvide (The National Stage) | December 16, 1914 | Direction, Playwright |
Over Ævne I (The National Stage) | Navember 25, 1914 | Actor (Krøyer 1910) |
To friere (The National Stage) | Navember 1, 1914 | Direction |
Scapins Skøierstreker (The National Stage) | Navember 1, 1914 | Direction, Actor (Geronte, Leander og Hyacinthes far) |
En pokkers fyr (The National Stage) | October 9, 1914 | Shadow play |
Gurre (The National Stage) | September 27, 1914 | Actor |
33.333 (The National Stage) | July 26, 1914 | Direction |
Svend Dyrings Hus (The National Stage) | May 29, 1914 | Direction |
Skyldig eller uskyldig? (The National Stage) | April 9, 1914 | Direction |
Lovens arm (The National Stage) | March 6, 1914 | Actor (William Irwin) |
Axel og Valborg (The National Stage) | January 30, 1914 | Direction |
Det lykkelige valg (The National Stage) | January 9, 1914 | Actor (Skomaker Fingalsen) |
Barselstuen (The National Stage) | December 7, 1913 | Direction, Actor (Corfitz) |
Miss Hobbs (The National Stage) | Navember 7, 1913 | Direction, Actor (Percy Kingsearl (Kingsearl senior)) |
Storstadsluft (The National Stage) | October 12, 1913 | Direction |
Jan Herwitz (The National Stage) | August 26, 1913 | Actor (Kjøpmann Bøschen) |
Ungen (The National Stage) | August 3, 1913 | Direction, Adapted by, Actor (Julius, fabrikarbeider) |
Svein Uræd (The National Stage) | May 12, 1913 | Actor |
For Tonnys skyld (The National Stage) | April 25, 1913 | Direction |
Livets kaos (The National Stage) | April 11, 1913 | Actor (Natter) |
Den sorte Domino (The National Stage) | March 2, 1913 | Direction |
Sabinerindernes rov (The National Stage) | December 26, 1912 | Direction |
Jean de France (The National Stage) | December 3, 1912 | Actor (Jean), Direction |
Geisha (The National Stage) | Navember 22, 1912 | Actor (Takemini, Politiassistent og Adjutant hos Imari) |
Kong Christiern og Dyveke (The National Stage) | October 25, 1912 | Direction |
Per Gadd (The National Stage) | October 4, 1912 | Actor (Anders Rotscher) |
The Lady from the Sea (The National Stage) | September 23, 1912 | Actor (Lyngstrand) |
De fem Frankfurtere (The National Stage) | September 13, 1912 | Actor (Carl, søn av fru Gudula) |
Bjerg-Eivind og hans hustru (The National Stage) | September 1, 1912 | Actor (Arngrim) |
Krig i Fred (The National Stage) | August 11, 1912 | Direction |
Kjærlighed uden strømper (The National Stage) | May 17, 1912 | Actor (Johan von Ehrenpreis) |
Underpræfekten i Chateau Buzard (The National Stage) | May 12, 1912 | Actor (Bretillon Dulausier) |
Medusa (The National Stage) | March 19, 1912 | Actor (Iwolgin) |
Maria Stuart i Skotland (The National Stage) | February 19, 1912 | Actor (Maitland) |
Idyllen (The National Stage) | January 12, 1912 | Actor (Arkivar Løding) |
Jeppe of the Hill (The National Stage) | December 3, 1911 | Actor (Sekretæren (2. advokat)) |
Lady Windermeres vifte (The National Stage) | Navember 14, 1911 | Actor (Lord Windermere) |
Anna Karénin (The National Stage) | October 27, 1911 | Actor (A. Karenin) |
Kampen (The National Stage) | September 12, 1911 | Direction, Playwright |
Den glade Enke (The National Stage) | August 28, 1911 | Actor (Njegus) |
Taifun (The National Stage) | February 28, 1911 | Actor |
Testamentet paa Kirkevik (The National Stage) | February 12, 1911 | Actor (Andreas Pladsen) |
Det lykkelige skibbrud (The National Stage) | December 3, 1910 | Actor (Rosiflengius) |
En forbryder (The National Stage) | October 23, 1910 | Actor (Prokuristen) |
Amatørtyven (The National Stage) | October 8, 1910 | Actor (Harry Manders) |
Testamentet paa Kirkevik (The National Stage) | September 25, 1910 | Actor (Andreas Pladsen) |
A Night's Lodging AKA The Lower Depths (The National Stage) | September 16, 1910 | Actor (En baron) |
Familieraadet (The National Stage) | August 31, 1910 | Actor (Henk) |
The Lady from the Sea (The National Stage) | August 12, 1910 | Actor (Lyngstrand) |
Ilden paasat -? (The National Stage) | April 10, 1910 | Actor (Assesoren I Politiretten) |
Livets Skaal (The National Stage) | March 28, 1910 | Actor (Anna) |
Jakob og Kristoffer (The National Stage) | February 2, 1910 | Actor (Benjamin Flok) |
Spionen (The National Stage) | January 16, 1910 | Actor (Fredrik Warthen) |
Erasmus Montanus (Nationaltourneen) | Navember 26, 1909 | Actor (Erasmus Montanus) |
Literatur (The National Stage) | October 13, 1909 | Actor (Clemens) |
Den glade Enke (The National Stage) | August 18, 1909 | Actor (Njegus) |
Den ideale Ægtemand (The National Stage) | August 11, 1909 | Actor (Sir Robert Chiltern) |
Johan Ulfstjerna (The National Stage) | August 9, 1909 | Actor (En sekretær) |
Tvillinger (The National Stage) | May 23, 1909 | Actor (Leopold Bergh, student) |
Gertrud (The National Stage) | March 12, 1909 | Actor (Erland Jansson, komponist) |
Over Ævne I (The National Stage) | February 20, 1909 | Actor (Krøyer 1910) |
Erasmus Montanus (The National Stage) | February 19, 1909 | Actor (Erasmus Montanus) |
Den glade Enke (The National Stage) | August 16, 1908 | Actor (Njegus) |
Den ideale Ægtemand (The National Stage) | May 10, 1908 | Actor (Sir Robert Chiltern) |
Johan Ulfstjerna (The National Stage) | April 3, 1908 | Actor (En sekretær) |
Første Violin (The National Stage) | March 9, 1908 | Actor (Hansen, musiker) |
Pan (The National Stage) | February 24, 1908 | Actor (Herredfogd Knud Hjarmer) |
Karen Borneman (The National Stage) | February 10, 1908 | Actor (Thora) |
César Girodots Testamente (The National Stage) | January 12, 1908 | Actor (Célestin) |
En Skandale (The National Stage) | January 8, 1908 | Actor (Arthur Hansen) |
Amatørtyven (The National Stage) | December 26, 1907 | Actor (Harry Manders) |
Kloen (The National Stage) | December 8, 1907 | Actor (Guy Germain Leroy) |
Det store Lod (The National Stage) | Navember 3, 1907 | Actor (Dr. Adolf / En taler) |
The Servant of Two Masters (The National Stage) | October 20, 1907 | Actor (Rasponi) |
Ungdomsleg (The National Stage) | October 6, 1907 | Actor (Doktor Kunkel) |
Triplepatte (The National Stage) | September 15, 1907 | Actor (Baude-Boby) |
Ambrosius (The National Stage) | September 5, 1907 | Actor (Junker Claus) |
En Skandale (The National Stage) | August 25, 1907 | Actor (Arthur Hansen) |
Havnen (Fahlstrøms Theater ) | January 19, 1907 | Actor (Julien Fontenailles) |
The Wild Duck (The National Stage) | October 15, 1905 | Actor (Pettersen) |
Svend Dyrings Hus (The National Stage) | October 1, 1905 | Actor (Gunnar) |
Kjærlighedsdrømme (The National Stage) | April 2, 1905 | Actor |
Svend Dyrings Hus (The National Stage) | December 26, 1903 | Actor (Gunnar) |
Haabet (The National Stage) | January 1, 1903 | Actor (Barend, Kniertjes sønn) |
Paul Lange og Tora Parsberg (The National Stage) | December 8, 1902 | Actor (Tjeneren) |
Primadonna (The National Stage) | August 31, 1902 | Actor (Etatsrådens sønn) |
Over Ævne I (The National Stage) | March 21, 1902 | Actor (Elias) |
Ferréol (The National Stage) | December 18, 1901 | Actor (En tjener hos baronesse d'Orbesson) |
Haabet (The National Stage) | Navember 30, 1901 | Actor (Barend, Kniertjes sønn) |
Korsvei (The National Stage) | September 1, 1901 | Actor (Sigfrid) |
Capriciosa eller Familien i Nyboder (The National Stage) | May 27, 1901 | Actor (Jack, tjener) |