Torbjørn Davidsen

Torbjørn Davidsen is an actor and member of the performing arts company De Utvalgte. Davidsen is especially known for his work with the concept Jimmy Young. He took part in Off the Wall (performed as a production for schools in Kunstbanken Hedmark’s performance festival i 2006) with Skranglebein and Nils m/Skils


(Objekt ID 1812)
Object type Person
Born 1964
Functions Actor, Performance artist, Stage Artist
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Male
Adresse Nesodden, Norway

Torbjørn Davidsen was nominated for The Hedda Award 2021/2022 for best male supporting actor for his role in Five performances about death by De Utvalgte, co-produced by Black Box Teater and Rosendal Theatre.

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