Five performances about death

Five performances about death (2020) was a theatre production by De Utvalgte . Based on texts by the company and by Karl Ove Knausgård. Five performances about death had its world premiere in Black Box Teater's venue Store Scene.


(Objekt ID 105128)
Object type Production
Premiere October 7, 2020
Produced by De Utvalgte
Coproducers Black Box Teater, Rosendal Teater
Audience Adults
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre, Installation, Corona-production
Running period October 7, 2020  

De Utvalgte writes the following, among other things, about Five performances about death:

"For De Utvalgte, the awareness of death has long been a persistent underlying context and motivation factor lurking in the background of the work. In Five performances about death, this awareness is given the lead role, and the audience is invited to a near-life experience, conveyed through situations and the reflections by people who are approaching - or have already passed - the only border crossing of any significance in the world.

Five performances about death has been developed from Gammel (literally: Old), a concept by Ingeborg Eliassen from 2004.

The production is dedicated to Kari Winge Onstad (February 24, 1941–March 24, 2020)."


Black Box Teater,, 08.10.2020,

Contributors (18)
Name Role
Karl Ove Knausgård – Text
Randi Rommetveit – Text
Snorre Sjønøst Henriksen – Performer
Helle Bendixen – Performer
Boya Bøckman – Performer
Eva Bøe Moen – Performer
Torbjørn Davidsen – Performer
Kjersti Alm Eriksen – Performer
Anne Holtan – Performer
Kari Holtan – Performer
Anne Gerd Grimsby Haarr – Performer
Kari Vik Knutsen – Performer
Tommy Olsson – Performer
Hans Wedvik – Performer
Aurora Winge – Performer
Michael Francis Duch (from Navember 20, 2020 to Navember 21, 2020) – Musician
Hans Magnus Ryan – Musician
Kari Onstad – Voiceover
Performance dates
October 29, 2021 18:00 – Fjalerhallen (Teaterfestivalen i Fjaler ) Show
October 3, 2021Sal 1, Rosendal Teater Show
October 2, 2021Sal 1, Rosendal Teater Show
October 1, 2021Sal 1, Rosendal Teater Show
September 10, 2021 13:00 – Fjalerhallen (Teaterfestivalen i Fjaler ) Show
September 9, 2021Fjalerhallen (Teaterfestivalen i Fjaler ) Show
Navember 22, 2020Sal 1, Rosendal Teater Show
Navember 21, 2020Sal 1, Rosendal Teater Show
Navember 20, 2020Sal 1, Rosendal Teater Show
October 11, 2020Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) Show
October 10, 2020Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) Show
October 9, 2020Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) Show
October 8, 2020Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) Show
October 7, 2020Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) Worldwide premiere
Festivals (1)
Teaterfestivalen i Fjaler September 9, 2021