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Sesongmagasin for Dansens Hus høst 2015 pdf August 2015 Download

Un-Magritt Nordseth

Un-Magritt Nordseth has been working as a dancer, choreographer and instructor since graduating from The National Academy of Ballet in 1983. For many years she worked within the field of independent performing arts with her own dance company and eventually as a freelance choreographer, working for The Norwegian Theatre and Theatre Ibsen, among others.

For the time being Un_Magritt Nordseth is the artistic director of Dansens Hus in Oslo.


(Objekt ID 1150)
Object type Person
Born October 5, 1961
Functions Artistic director, Choreographer, Dancer
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Female

In 1991 she directed and choreographed Barock Friise* (Baroque Frieze) by Cecilie Løveid who was that year's festival poet during Bergen International Festival.

She directed and choreographed the excerpts from The Wild Duck, A Doll's House and The Lady from the Sea in Ibsen Theatre's Henrik Ibsen - En Dannelsesreise* (Henrik Ibsen - An Education Journey) in Telemark in 2006. The production, of which also Anne Mali Sæther and Morten Traavik directed parts, was nominated for The Hedda Award 2006 in the theatre project of the year category.

Un-Magritt Nordseth directed and choreographed A Doll's House in China in 2006 and 2010. In 2008 she staged The Lady from the Sea in Dhaka in Bangladesh.

Un-Magritt Nordseth has made several productions for children and youth, including Ooujeeih! for children aged 0-3 and Nattsvermar* (Night-flying moth) for children aged 3-5, and she was responsible for the direction of the production of Oliver Twist for families at Ibsen Theatre.

*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.

Tilknyttet (3)
Artworks (1)
Title Publiseringsdato Role
Lars Script – Author
Awards - part of jury (1)