Le Sillon

Le Sillon is a multipurpose room that can accommodate up to 744 standing spectators. It is located in the heart of the town of Petit Couronne.

Source: Bienvenue à Petit-Couronne, ville-petit-couronne.fr, 27.11.2011, http://www.ville-petit-couronne.fr/vielocale/sillon.php


(Objekt ID 28824)
Object type Venue
Website Bienvenue à Petit-Couronne

Contact information

Address rue Winston Churchill, 76650 Petit Couronne, France
Country France
Performance dates
Title Date
Tone ! Art – January 31, 2014, Sagliocco Ensemble
Woof ! Art / Wouaf ! Art (in French) – March 23, 2012, Sagliocco Ensemble