Most Wanted

Great Spirits of Rebellious Heroism

Most Wanted: Great Spirits of Rebellious Heroism was a dance production by Nils Jacob Johannesen.

Most Wanted was about the search for heroes and how one creates oneself in one’s own image after inspiration from heroes.


(Objekt ID 9981)
Object type Production
Produced by Nils Jakob Johannesen
Audience Adults
Keywords Dance, Butoh, Music, Contemporary dance

Requirements to venue

Blackout No

In Most Wanted Nils Jacob Johannesen mixed the discipline of the athlete with the artist’s lack of compromise through an imaginary ideal made of two heroes – the Afro American boxer Muhammad Ali and the Japanese dance of Butoh’s father Tatsumi Hijikata.

In the program of Black Box Teater one could read the following about Most Wanted:

"From this dream image, in the range between similarities and differences, starts a tangible search for the essence of the hero. The hero of the performance searches for authenticity and fights to keep his ideal alive, while he is transformed into a hero through challenges, defeats, facing himself and new worlds."

Most Wanted was the first full-length choreography by Nils Jacob Johannesen.

Most Wanted was supported by Arts Council Norway and The Audio Visual Fund.

Source: Vallat, Marianne Dyrnes, Tom Klev, Kristian Seltun (2006). Black Box Teater Oslo the spring of 2006. Black Box Teater [Oslo], page 38.

Contributors (14)
Name Role
Nils Jakob Johannesen – Choreography
Richard Danquah – Music
Nils Jakob Johannesen – Stage design
Silje Fjellberg – Costume
Nils Jakob Johannesen – Costume
Anna Widén – Video/Film
Torgrim Ødegård – Video/Film
Joakim Moe Røisland – Lighting design
Richard Danquah – Dancer
Nils Jakob Johannesen – Dancer
Øyvind Jørgensen – Dancer
Petter Wiik – Sound technician
Nils Jakob Johannesen – Producer
Øyvind Jørgensen – Consultant (koreografi, produksjon)
Performance dates
February 5, 2006 19:00 – Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) Show
February 4, 2006 19:00 – Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) Show
February 3, 2006 19:00 – Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) Show