Z, I love you honey bunny

Z, I love you honey bunny is the third part in a trilogy by the company Wee, in which Francesco Scavetta examines the phenomena of vision and illusion, the artificial and the disturbed. The trilogy started with the production A Sudden Unexpected Faint (2000), which was followed by Live* (2002) and ended with Z, I love you honey bunny (2003).


(Objekt ID 9867)
Object type Production
Premiere 2004
Produced by Wee
Audience Adults
Keywords Dance, Contemporary dance, Multimedia
Running period 2004  

About Francesco Scavetta's trilogy, in which Z, I love you honey bunny makes the end:

The three productions are different in expression and aesthetic, but they have in common that they all spring out from a visual and acoustic landscape. This is reproduced electronically, through use of video among other things, in such a way that it is unclear what is real and what is virtual. In the choreographer Scavetta’s use of technology lays a generous portion of humour, linked with a strong demand for precision.

Source: BIT Teatergarasjen, spring program 2004. 05.12.2010: http://www.bit-teatergarasjen.no/

Contributors (19)
Name Role
Francesco Scavetta – Choreography
Jon Balke – Music
Francesco Scavetta – Stage design
Birgitte Lie – Costume
Tone Myskja – Video/Film
Jan Razman – Video/Film
Jan Razman – Video/Film (Live video redigering)
Francesco Scavetta – Video/Film
Johannes Dimpflmeier – Special effects
Stefano Stacchini – Lighting design
Anna Paola Bacalov – Dancer
Sissel Merete Bjørkli – Dancer
Sigrid Edvardsson – Dancer
Gry Kipperberg – Dancer
Francesco Scavetta – Dancer
Ida Wigdel – Dancer
Stefan Dombek – Lighting technician
Annalisa Dal Prá – Production manager
Gry Kipperberg – Producer
Performance dates
March 14, 2004Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) Show
March 13, 2004Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) Show
March 12, 2004Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) Show
March 11, 2004Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) Show
February 29, 2004BIT Teatergarasjen Show
February 28, 2004BIT Teatergarasjen Show
February 27, 2004BIT Teatergarasjen Show
2004 Worldwide premiere
Press coverage

«A perfect performance, in all its systematic disorder and united chaos.»

Italia Serra after the opening in Italy in 2003.