Disfigure Study began as a reflection over confrontations with life in New York during Meg Stuart’s stay there during the early 1990es. With basic movements as a foundation, such as standing, sitting, walking, listening and lying Meg Stuart found her dance expression in Disfigure Study. She stages the impossibility of the movements, the opposition in the joints and the impulses drawing the muscles together.
Disfigure Study by Meg Stuart/Damaged Goods opened on October 15 1991 at the Klapstuk Festival in Leuven (Belgium) and was recreated again in 1996. At the invitation of Alain Platel, curator of Klapstuk #10 Disfigure Study returned to the stage with a new cast and a new live musical score in 2002.
Source: BIT Teatergarasjen, Oktoberdans 2004. 23.11.2010: http://www.bit-teatergarasjen.no -arkiv