NO6 by Impure Company/Hooman Sharifi was part of a Sharifi festival, produced in collaboration between Black Box Teater and Dansens hus in 2007. The festival constituted several of Sharifi’s works, a three day seminar program, a photo exhibition by Arash A. Nejad plus a workshop with Jean Luc Ducourt.


(Objekt ID 9568)
Object type Production
Premiere February 10, 2007
Produced by Impure Company/Hooman Sharifi
Coproducers Dansens Hus, Black Box Teater
Audience Adults
Number of events 1
Keywords Installation, Theatre, Dance, Music, Performance, Contemporary dance
Running period February 10, 2007  —  February 10, 2007

Requirements to venue

Blackout No

Practically NO6 by Impure Company/Hooman Sharifi was an open evening in Black Box Teater during the Sharifi festival in 2007.

NO6 consisted of four installations/performance installations: Kaspar Hause (text by Daniel Franco, music by Dj Alain Franco, dance by Hooman Sharifi), Love Oslo, Sorgrommet (literally: Room of Mourning) and Lover’s Discourse (dance by Rikke Baevert and Christine Kjellberg).

Source: Vallat, Marianne Dyrnes, Kristian Seltun and Nina Magnus (2007). Black Box Teater Oslo: Program spring 2007. Black Box Teater Oslo [Oslo],

Contributors (5)
Name Role
Daniel Franco – Text
Rikke Baewert – Dancer
Hooman Sharifi – Dancer
Kristine Karåla Øren – Dancer
Alain Franco – Musician (DJ)
Performance dates
February 10, 2007 19:00 – Hele teatret (Marstrandgata), Black Box teater Opening night
Press coverage

"In the installation Love Oslo Hooman Sharifi has gone out in the street to ask people «what is love?». The answers are collected and the audience can study them during the festival.

– I have done the same thing in Iran and intend to compare the answers, Sharifi says. He has also made a room of mourning as part of the festival.

– There is a sound installation with bass tones from Buddhist monks. The tones are special and give substance to the room and voice to mourning. It will be exciting to see how the audience relates to it, when they enter a room called mourning.

– And you offer dance?

– Yes, in Lover's discourse the audience can select among several texts, from Nietzsche, for instance, and give the text to a dancer. Who dances for you alone. One spectator and one performer, Hooman Sharif says."

Larsen, Mona (08.02.2007). Interview titled Danser med publikum (literally: Dances with the audience). Dagsavisen,, 23.11.2010,