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Sesongrogram for Trøndelag Teater 2020 pdf January 2020 Download
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Autumn Sonata

Autumn Sonata (2020) was a theatre production by Trøndelag Theatre, based on the play by Ingmar Bergman. The production was performed in the theatre's venue Gamle Scene. After eight performance had been performed, the theatre was shut due to the Corona pandemic. When the theatre reopened in May 2020, Autumn Sonata was performed in a modified version (see the "more about" field) for a maximum of 50 spectators.

Marit Moum Aune directed it.

Janne Kokkin played the role of Charlotte.

Mari Hauge Einbu played the role of Eva.


(Objekt ID 94675)
Object type Production
Premiere February 29, 2020
Produced by Trøndelag Theatre
Based on Autumn Sonata by Ingmar Bergman
Audience Adults
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre, Drama, Corona-production
Running period February 29, 2020  —  September 11, 2021
Duration 1 hour, 35 minutes

At the webpage of Trøndelag Theatre, the following, among other things, is written about the modified version of Autumn Sonata:

"Trøndelag Theatre is happy to relaunch Autumn Sonata for the audience, from Friday May 29.

In the beginning of May, the theatre applied for exemptions from the protection measures to perform Autumn Sonata without changes in the staging. After being advised not to perform it as such, director Marit Moum Aune and head of the theatre Elisabeth Egseth Hansen have acted swiftly to make a modified version of the production, to make it possible to perform it for an audience before summer.

Autumn Sonata, rated worthy of six pips of the dice and called a 'fairytale-like good chamber performance' by Adresseavisen's Ole Jacob Hoel, was only performed eight times for an audience before the theatre had to close.

Head of the theatre Elisabeth Egseth Hansen says: 'Autumn Sonata is about people who are close to one another, but distanced to one another at the same time. Because of this theme, we have seen that the performance could be changed and still keep its distinct character. We are very happy to be able to offer this gem of a performance to our audience again before summer.'

Tickets for Autumn Sonata goes on sale Friday May 29, and the production is performed until June 20."


Trøndelag Theatre,  www.trondelag-teater.no, 17.10.19,  https://www.trondelag-teater.no/pressemelding/repertoaret-for-2020-pa-trondelag-teater, 21.10.19, https://www.trondelag-teater.no/forestillinger/hostsonaten, 03.06.2020, https://www.trondelag-teater.no/nyheter/informasjon-vedrorende-corona-viruset

Performance dates
August 21, 2021Gamle Scene, Trøndelag Teater New opening
May 29, 2020Gamle Scene, Trøndelag Teater New opening
February 29, 2020Gamle Scene, Trøndelag Teater Opening night