Romeo & Juliet

Romeo & Juliet (199?) was a theatre production by Al Kasaba and Khan Theatres. Romeo & Juliet was based on the play by William Shakespeare.


(Objekt ID 93252)
Object type Production
Premiere May 24, 1995
Produced by Al-Kasaba Theatre and Cinematheque,
Based on Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
Keywords Theatre, Tragedy


Norsk Skuespillerforbund: Stikkordet, Issue no. 2, April 1995

Contributors (1)
Name Role
William Shakespeare – Playwright
Performance dates
May 27, 1995  (Bergen International Festival) Show
May 26, 1995  (Bergen International Festival) Show
May 25, 1995  (Bergen International Festival) Show
May 24, 1995  (Bergen International Festival) National premiere, Norway
Festivals (1)