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Sesongprogramkatalog Black Box Teater høsten 2007. pdf August 2007 Download


The anatomy lesson

Excavations: The anatomy lesson was a production by Marijs Boulogne (Belgium) in which a crocheted and embroidered dead baby played a central part.

In the performance Boulogne, through an autopsy, revealed what had happened to the dead baby. Had it been alive? The audience got to witness, among other things, that the video artist Julia Cleve used an endoscopy to get a closer look at the baby's (crocheted, naturalist) innards.


(Objekt ID 9218)
Object type Production
Original title Excavations: Episcopia
Produced by
In collaboration with
Audience Adults
Language English
Keywords Theatre, Performance, Puppetry, Video, Multidisciplinary, Research, Installation
Website [Excavations]

Requirements to venue

Blackout No

Excavations: The anatomy lesson (original title Excavations: Episcopia) by Marijs Boulogne was the third part of a series of six events, all gathered under the main title Excavations.

The other parts were called, chronologically: Pregnancy, de operatie/de geboorte (the operation/birth), Memories, Versmaarrot, het eindrapport (the end report).

The background story of the dead baby in The anatomy lesson was a story about a man killing his highly pregnant wife. The woman, despite dying of the damages, gave birth to a baby after her death. The baby died too.

The different versions of Boulogne's work Excavations all revolve around the dead body, for the occasion crocheted and embroidered in six different stages. The expressions switched between embroidery, performance, conceptual art, video, music and theatre.


Vallat, Marianne Dyrnes, Kristian Seltun and Nina Magnus (2007). Black Box Teater Oslo: Program autumn 2007. Black Box Teater Oslo [Oslo]

Cocagne, cocagne.wordpress.com, 17.11.2010, http://cocagne.wordpress.com/2007/05/14/welkom-in-het-anatomische-theater-van-marijs-boulogne/

Contributors (9)
Name Role
Marijs Boulogne – Text
Marijs Boulogne – Concept/Idea
Marijs Boulogne – Direction
Julia Clever – Video/Film
Marijs Boulogne – Performer
Julia Clever – Performer
Julia Clever – Photo
Chris Segers – Technical director
Marijs Boulogne – Other (hekling, broderi)
Performance dates
October 20, 2007 21:00 – Lille scene (Marstrandgata), Black box teater Show
October 19, 2007 21:00 – Lille scene (Marstrandgata), Black box teater Show
October 18, 2007 21:00 – Lille scene (Marstrandgata), Black box teater Show