De lykkelige dagene


(Objekt ID 91604)
Object type Production
Premiere March 2, 1939
Produced by The National Theatre
Based on The Happy Days by Claude-André Puget
Audience Adults, Youth
Number of events 49
Language Norwegian
Keywords Light comedy/slapstick, Theatre
Running period March 2, 1939  
Contributors (10)
Name Role
Claude-André Puget – Playwright
Paul René Gauguin – Translation
Gerda Ring – Direction
Rahe Raheny – Stage design
Arne Bang-Hansen – Actor (Oliver Laprade (20 år))
Vibeke Falk – Actor (Pernette (16 år))
Marit Halset – Actor (Francine Gassin (19 år))
Lars Nordrum – Actor (Bernard (17 år) )
Knut Wigert – Actor (Michel Bouihlet (25 år))
Sonja Wigert – Actor (Marianne (18 år))
Performance dates
March 2, 1939Hovedscenen, Nationaltheatret, The National Theatre National premiere, Norway
1939Gamle Scene, Trøndelag Teater visiting performance