

(Objekt ID 91377)
Object type Production
Premiere April 26, 1942
Produced by The National Theatre
Based on Ungdom by Max Halbe
Audience Adults
Number of events 21
Language Norwegian
Keywords Drama, Theatre
Running period April 26, 1942  
Contributors (10)
Name Role
Max Halbe – Playwright
Harald Schwenzen – Direction
Alexey Zaitzow – Stage design
Jens Bolling – Actor (Hans Hartwig, student)
Henrik Børseth – Actor (Pastor Hoppe)
Liv Strømsted Dommersnes – Actor (Anna, Hoppes søsterdatter)
Tulla Hauge – Actor (Maruschka, tjenestepike)
Finn Lange – Actor (Kapellan Gregor von Schigorski)
Jørn Ording – Actor
Gunnar Simenstad – Actor (Amandus, Annas stebror)
Performance dates
April 26, 1942Hovedscenen, Nationaltheatret, The National Theatre Opening night