Spansk trekant


(Objekt ID 90663)
Object type Production
Premiere October 24, 1961
Produced by The National Theatre
Based on Spansk trekant by Kurt Becsi
Audience Adults
Number of events 19
Language Norwegian
Keywords Drama, Theatre
Running period October 24, 1961  
Contributors (10)
Name Role
Kurt Becsi – Playwright
Gerd Høst – Translation
Arne Thomas Olsen – Direction
Christian Stenersen – Stage design
Lita Prahl – Costume design
Liv Strømsted Dommersnes – Actor (Isabella, dronning av Spania)
Claes Gill – Actor (Filip II, konge av Spania)
Knut Risan – Actor (En prest)
Gisle Straume – Actor (Espinosa, kardinal)
Knut Wigert – Actor (Don Carlos, infant av Spania)
Performance dates
October 24, 1961Hovedscenen, Nationaltheatret, The National Theatre National premiere, Norway