Wendy & Peter Pan

Wendy & Peter Pan (2019) was a theatre production by The National Stage, based on the play by Ella Hickson. The production was performed at the theatre's main stage.

Ivar Tindberg directed it.

Kristi-Helene Engeberg played the role of Wendy.

Peiman Azizpour played the role of Peter Pan.

Wendy & Peter Pan was nominated for The Hedda Award 2020 in the best production for children category.


(Objekt ID 90205)
Object type Production
Premiere September 14, 2019
Produced by The National Stage
Based on Wendy & Peter Pan by Ella Hickson
Audience Children
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre, Performance for children
Running period September 14, 2019  

At the website of The National Stage the following, among other things, is written about Wendy & Peter Pan:

"Come along when Wendy and her two younger brothers leave the nursery room to fly across the night sky with Peter Pan! Bloodthirsty pirates, luscious fairies and wild boys are only a few of the characters we get to meet, and when Peter Pan is captured by Captain Hook, the brave Wendy is the one who gets going. She brings along many new friends, and who knows: Perhaps can they also get some assistance from the hungry, tick-tocking crocodile always in hiding?


J.M. Barrie's beautiful and exciting story has captured children and adults for more than one hundred years. Our version is a new adaption of the classic story, and in it, Wendy plays an even more important role than before. Wendy turns out to be brave and tough, and she dares to challenge herself and others."

In a press release from The National Stage the following, among other things, is written about the repertoire for 2019:

"During fall, a spectacular and magical version of the familiar fairytale about Peter Pan is to conquer the main stage. In this version, Wendy plays a more active role, and there will be plenty of action with Captain Hook. Video design, music, choreography and a great ensemble will take the audience's breath away, director Ivar Tindberg promises."


The National Stage, www.dns.no, 28.11.2018, https://dns.no/forestillinger/weendy-peter-pan/

The National Stage, www.dns.no, 28.11.2018, https://dns.no/sterke-historier-og-mye-kjaerlighet/

The Hedda Award, www.heddaprisen.no, 16.07.20, https://www.heddaprisen.no/nominerte/2020

Performance dates
September 14, 2019Store Scene, The National Stage National premiere, Norway