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Forestillingsprogram for Den Nationale Scenes produksjon Regn (2019) pdf September 4, 2019 Download

Regn* (Rain)

Regn* (Rain) (2019) was a theatre production by The National Stage, based on a novel by Stig Holmås, in a theatrical adaption by Anne-Karen Hytten. The production was performed in the theatre's venue Teaterkjelleren.

Anne-Karen Hytten directed it.

*Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


(Objekt ID 90202)
Object type Production
Premiere September 4, 2019
Produced by The National Stage
Based on Regn* (Rain) by Stig Holmås
Audience Adults
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre
Running period September 4, 2019  

At the website of The National Stage the following, among other things, is written about Regn* (Rain):

"The production Regn is an adaption of Stig Holmås' warm depiction of growing up in 1950es' Bergen. It is a beautiful story about the relationship between father and son, the love between two brothers, and about infatuation and friendship, disasters and comfort. At the same time, it is an entertaining, recognisable performance about growing up.


Ole Johan has a father who reports rain in all kinds of varieties on the radio. He has a wonderfully humorous brother, and friends such as Siggen and Goggen. There is ice, on which one can skate, at Krohnsminde, the sounds from the wharfs are part of daily life, and in the living room, there is quiet. But one day, the small family is struck by an accident, and low pressure builds. When the great secret is revealed, Ole Johan's safe little world falls apart. Nothing is normal any more, nothing is the way it used to be."

In a press release from The National Stage the following, among other things, is written about the repertoire for 2019:

"Love runs like a red thread through the repertoire. There is budding young love in Korps* (Brass band), and there is the Norwegian premiere of a sensational play about 40-somethings fear of - and longing for - settling. In this existential comedy, Karoline Krüger and Eirik del Barco Soleglad meet in the ring. When autumn comes, the theatre version of Stig Holmås' Regn* (Rain) is presented for the first time, a beautiful depiction of brotherly love in Bergen during the 1950es."


The National Stage, www.dns.no, 28.11.2018, https://dns.no/forestillinger/regn/

The National Stage, www.dns.no, 28.11.2018, https://dns.no/sterke-historier-og-mye-kjaerlighet/

*Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.

Performance dates
September 4, 2019Småscenen, now Teaterkjelleren, The National Stage Worldwide premiere