Tidsrottene* (Rats of Time)

With Tidsrottene* (Rats of Time)Teater NOR made a production for children about two creatures from a planet far out in space. The planet was called Aktroklesir, meaning the one who rides a bicycle between the stars.

*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


(Objekt ID 9003)
Object type Production
Premiere 1997
Produced by Teater NOR
Audience Children
Keywords Theatre, Performance for children
Running period 1997  

Tidsrottene* (Rats of Time) by Teater NOR was told through live music, song, images, light and darkness. The production told a slightly scary story about being on a journey far away from the little dot on the map called home. As part of the performance Teater NOR went through some of the laws and factors of the universe, to make it possible to learn some, in particular about our own solar system.

The rats of time were technically further developed than we are on Earth. Among other things they mastered time and could move quicker than light between galaxies, stars and planets. The vehicle resembled a bicycle, but it was of course a very advanced space ship. On a longer journey two of them lost direction and ended in the outskirts of the galaxy Milky Way – on Earth. They crash landed pretty hard in a garbage dump. The machine broke, but around them they found things they could use.

The rats of time are different than us humans, but several of their features are not that unfamiliar. They are very sensitive, easily become irritable, and are often sentimental and dreamy. Even though they can be temperamental and argumentative, the bad moods rarely last long. They quickly return to a good mood and rapidly become as good friends as before.

Teater NOR produced Tidsrottene in 1997. The production toured all of Norway including Svalbard, in addition to Russia and Finland.

Source: E-mail from Thorbjørn Gabrielsen, 11.11.2010

*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.

Contributors (5)
Name Role
Thorbjørn Gabrielsen – Direction
Andreas Eilertsen – Music
Sissel Helgesen – Actor
Runhild Olsen – Actor
Geir Ove Andersen – Producer
Performance dates
1997 Worldwide premiere