Memorial 19 Fucks

Memorial 19 Fucks with Torgny Amdam Classical Trio. Memorial 19 Fucks is a work by the Chinese contemporary composer Tan Dun. The work was performed by Torgny Amdam Classical Trio during the festival Marstrand volume I in Black Box Teater in 2009. The musicians were Torgny Amdam, Joachim Kjelsaas Kwetzinsky and Jorun Perander.

Memorial 19 Fucks was presented in collaboration with the organisation Ny Musikk.


(Objekt ID 8215)
Object type Production
Produced by Torgny Amdam Classical Trio
Based on Memorial 19 Fucks by Tan Dun
Keywords Music, Concert, Performance
Running period April 19, 2009  

Requirements to venue

Blackout No
Contributors (4)
Name Role
Tan Dun – Composition
Torgny Knutson Amdam – Musician (vokalist)
Joachim Kjelsaas Kwetzinsky – Musician (piano)
Jorun Perander – Musician (kontrabass)
Performance dates
April 19, 2009 20:30 Show
Festivals (1)
Marstrand April 19, 2009
Press coverage

"Torgny Amdam Classical Trio’s Memorial 19 Fucks, composed by Tan Dun. A seven minute long explosive affair (and the perfect festival intermezzo) consisting of 19 different languages’ «fuck»."

Pettersen, Anette Therese (21.04.2009). Review titled Vellykket festivaldebut (Successful festival debut). Dagsavisen,, 05.11.2010,