

(Objekt ID 81587)
Object type Production
Premiere 2011
Produced by Dans i Trøndelag. Regionalt kompetansesenter for dans
Audience Youth, Adults
Keywords Dance theatre
Running period 2011  
Contributors (7)
Name Role
Matias Rønningen – Choreography
Else Margrete Sveinsson – Choreography
Svein Inge Neergård – Lighting design
Matias Rønningen – Dancer
Else Margrete Sveinsson – Dancer
Leif Arne Holme – Photo
Svein Inge Neergård – Lighting technician
Performance dates
June 24, 2014 19:00 – Inderøy Kulturhus (Kortreist dansefestival) Show
April 29, 2014 13:15 – Teatersalen, Stiklestad Nasjonale Kultursenter, The Touring Theatre of Trøndelag New opening
2011 Worldwide premiere
Festivals (1)
Kortreist dansefestival June 24, 2014