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Season program for Rogaland Theatre the spring of 2018 pdf January 2018 Download

Tur-retur Stavanger* (Roundtrip Stavanger)

Tur-retur Stavanger* (Roundtrip Stavanger) (2018) is a planned musical theatre concert production by Rogaland Theatre. The production will be performed at the theatre's main stage.

Håkon Berge has arranged the music.

Marieke Wang sings.

*Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


(Objekt ID 81317)
Object type Production
Premiere June 8, 2018
Produced by Rogaland Theatre, Stavanger Symphony Orchestra
Keywords Music, Concert
Running period June 8, 2018  
Website Rogaland Teater

At the website of Rogaland Theatre the following, among other things, is written about Tur-retur Stavanger* (Roundtrip Stavanger):

"Sound and light. Colours and grand effects. Music and drama. For a little girl, everything in the theatre was exciting, and from her childhood, Mareike knew that she belonged onstage.

She learned songs by heart, whole plays too, and felt a burning desire for a life onstage, where she could express herself while giving of herself to other people.

Today, Mareike Wang is a critically acclaimed actress and artist, who has made her mark within several different artistic genres. She has now joined forces with her childhood friend Håkon Berge, as musical arranger, and with musician from SSO, and together they will pay tribute to a both beloved and derided genre, the musical.

With bubbly energy and joy in sharing a story, Mareike opens her artist life for the audience, from she was a little girl with a big dream, until she is an established performing artist. For Mareike, the alternatives were West End in London and Rogaland Theatre in Stavanger. The choice was a roundtrip to and from Stavanger.

Mareike Wang has, with Håkon Berge and SSO, gone hunting in the treasure chest of musicals, and is now ready to give Stavanger audiences a journey through musical classics, spiced up with some unknown gems from the genre."


Rogaland Theatre, 11.12.2017, rogaland-teater.no, http://www.rogaland-teater.no/program/tur-retur-stavanger

*Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.

Contributors (4)
Name Role
Mareike Bechtel Wang – Concept/Idea
Håkon Berge – Conductor
Håkon Berge – Musical arrangement
Mareike Bechtel Wang – Singer
Performance dates
June 9, 2018 19:30 – Hovedscenen, Rogaland Teater Show
June 8, 2018 19:30 – Hovedscenen, Rogaland Teater Opening night