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Forestillingsprogram for Nationaltheatrets produksjon UFO-bygda (2018). pdf January 26, 2018 Download
Sesongprogram for Nationaltheatret vår 2018. pdf January 2018 Download

UFO-bygda* (The UFO village)

UFO-bygda* (The UFO village) (2018) is a planned theatre production by The National Theatre, based on a play devised by Øystein Stene and the ensemble. The production will be performed in the theatre's venue The Torshov Theatre. It is part of the theatre's sci-fi project.

Øystein Stene directs it.

*Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


(Objekt ID 80095)
Object type Production
Premiere January 26, 2018
Produced by The National Theatre, The Torshov Theatre
Audience Adults
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre, Science fiction
Running period January 26, 2018  

In a press release from The National Theatre the following, among other things, is written about UFO-bygda* (The UFO village):

"Since the days of the war, Hessdalen in Southern Trøndelag has been the scene of a sensational amount of observations of inexplicable light phenomena. From the 1980es, the village has been under surveillance by scientists, agreeing that the phenomenon exists, without getting closer to an answer to what causes it. There are many video recordings. Even more photos. What is hidden within Hessdalen's secret?"

At the website of The National Theatre the following, among other things, is written about UFO-bygda* (The UFO village):

"Øystein Stene is a writer, playwright and director. Among other things, he has written the novel Zombie Nation and made the movie The Bambi Effect. In 2011, he wrote and directed the theatre production Du er Knut* (You are Knut) at Black Box Teater, a production rewarded with The Torshov Theatre's friend association's award. Stene creates artworks aiming to challenge the audiences both intellectually and emotionally. He is fond of using the full venue as a performance space, and lets actors and audiences alike relate to major issues in the moment.

UFO-bygda is created in collaboration between the actors and the director, based on documentary material they have gathered from the inhabitants of Hessdalen, scientists and their own stays in the village.

UFO-bygda is the Torshov ensemble's declaration of love for conspiracy theory, rural Norway, and everyone who has looked to the stars and wondered: Are we alone?"


Press release from The National Theatre, 09.11.2017, http://www.mynewsdesk.com/no/nationaltheatret/pressreleases/vaarens-forestillinger-paa-nationaltheatret-2261498

The National Theatre, nationaltheatret.no, 21.11.2017, https://www.nationaltheatret.no/forestillinger/ufo-bygda/

*Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.

Performance dates
January 26, 2018Torshovteatret - Hovedsalen Worldwide premiere