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Forestillingsprogram for Nationaltheatrets produksjon En handelsreisendes død (2018). | January 20, 2018 | Download | |
Sesongprogram for Nationaltheatret vår 2018. | January 2018 | Download |
Death of a Salesman
Death of a Salesman (2018) is a planned theatre production by The National Theatre, based on the play by Arthur Miller. The production will be performed at the theatre's main stage.
Trond Espen Seim directs it. This is his debut as a theatre director.
Atle Antonsen plays the role of Willy Loman. This is his first role at The National Theatre.
(Objekt ID 80042)Object type | Production |
Premiere | January 20, 2018 |
Produced by | The National Theatre |
Based on | Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller |
Audience | Adults |
Language | Norwegian |
Keywords | Drama, Theatre |
Running period | January 20, 2018 |
"Death of a Salesman is about a family that is slowly destroyed in their hunt for the dream of succeeding and becoming something; the dream that feeds an insatiable desire for money and status. This is actor Trond Espen Seim's directorial debut in theatre. Onstage, he is given a team of stars, including Atle Antonsen, who has his The National Theatre debut in the role of Willy Loman. He and Laila Goody show us the explosive desperation of a whole family, in the wake of a failed career and façade, and a broken dream."
"Willy refuses to realise that his time is over. He still has great aspirations for - and great faith in - himself and his sons Biff and Happy. But things are not, and have never been, the way he thinks. Biff isn't the wonder boy he has always been told by his father that he is. Happy has mostly lived a life in the shadow of his brother. And Willy doesn't enjoy the respect he thinks he does at work. Linda desperately tries to repair the façade and prevent the dam from bursting. She has taken upon her the task of keeping Willy and the family together, but all of it is raging irreparably towards the disaster and the hour of confrontation.
When Arthur Miller released Death of a Salesman in 1949, the theme was an outdated man's meeting with a rapidly developing society, new technology and new ideas. In 2018, development is even quicker, and the contrast between technology society and the aging salesman is greater than ever."
Press release from The National Theatre, 09.11.2017, http://www.mynewsdesk.com/no/nationaltheatret/pressreleases/vaarens-forestillinger-paa-nationaltheatret-2261498
The National Theatre, nationaltheatret.no, 20.11.2017, https://www.nationaltheatret.no/forestillinger/en-handelsreisendes-dod/
Name | Role |
Arthur Miller | – Playwright |
Michael Evans | – Translation |
Trond Espen Seim | – Direction |
Gaute Tønder | – Music |
Olav Waastad | – Music |
Olav Torbjørn Skare | – Dramaturge |
Olav Myrtvedt | – Stage design |
Olav Myrtvedt | – Costume design |
Åsmund Bøe | – Video/Film |
Roy Knudsen | – Sound |
Øyvind Wangensteen | – Lighting design |
Espen Alknes | – Actor (Happy) |
Atle Antonsen | – Actor (Willy Loman) |
Laila Goody | – Actor (Linda Loman) |
Anders Mordal | – Actor (Ben m. fl.) |
Tone Mostraum | – Actor (Kvinnen m. fl.) |
Jan Sælid | – Actor (Charley) |
Olav Waastad | – Actor (Biff) |
Wibke Schuler | – Mask design |
Flavio Kiforenco Pighin | – Props |
Pål Grønli | – Stage manager |
Steinar Jakobsen | – Stage Manager |
Martin Brage Jonassen | – Stage Manager |
Agnethe Tellefsen | – Lighting supervisor |
Jan Sælid | – Director’s assistant |
Ingvil E. Toft | – Costume production supervisor |
Vibeke Brathagen | – Prompter |
Kirsti Holm-Glad | – Producer |
Monica Lindanger | – Administration (Informasjonsansvarlig) |
Jannicke Spillmer Klohs | – Dresser |
Trine Sandrine Syrrist | – Administration (Markedsansvarlig) |
Simone Tøstie | – Dresser |
January 20, 2018 – Hovedscenen, Nationaltheatret, The National Theatre | Opening night |