
Evilution? is a musical theatre performance by and with the company FaktaMorgana with guests. The production is an attempt at adapting a debate from 2007 to stage, a debate in which The European Council debated the dangers of using creationism in European schools.

FaktaMorgana consists of the three artists Ingebjørg Torgersen, Bjørn Bolstad Skjelbred and Marius Kolbenstvedt. The characteristic of the company is a mixture between facts and performing arts and contemporary music and theatre.


(Objekt ID 7888)
Object type Production
Premiere February 10, 2009
Produced by FaktaMorgana
Coproducers , Black Box Teater, Ny Musikk Oslo
Audience Adults
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre, Documentary, Debate, Musical theatre, Music
Running period February 10, 2009  —  February 15, 2009

In the press release by FaktaMorgana Evilution? was presented in the following manner:

"FaktaMorgana moves in the landscape between fiction and reality with musical accompany. In the production Evilution? they stage the report from The European Council, not as a reconstruction of a realistic debate, but as a challenging performing arts text. In addition the production creates a fiction universe in which the emotions surrounding the debate are visualised. It is a mix of fiction and reality in a theatrical frame.

Evilution? discusses the opposites in the discussion about creationism. Why are we so afraid of creationism when it is so poorly funded scientifically? And why are the creationists so afraid of evolution theory and Darwin? It is about challenging religious views and about the faith in science. The production is being performed exactly 200 years after the birth of Darwin and it illuminates the perspective of Darwinism as of today compared to a, for some, scarily religious world image."

Creationism (of Latin creatio, meaning "creation") is the philosophical view that the world and life on earth have been created by a divine power through one or several particular actions of creation. Creationists usually deny that all organisms can be traced back to a common denominator of a predecessor, as opposed to the ordinary theory of evolution.

The fundament for the text Evilution? was the debate about the report The Dangers of Creationism in Education in The European Council October 4 2007.

Evilution? by FaktaMorgana was supported by Arts Council Norway, The Cultural Rucksack, The Fund for Performing Artists, the Freedom of Expression Foundation Fritt Ord and The Norwegian Composers’ Fund.

Evilution? was presented in collaboration with Ny Musikk.

Sources: Teaternett, teaternett.no, 28.10.2010, http://www.teaternett.no/aktuelt/pressemeldinger/2009/0209-01-016.htm

Larsen, IdaLou (17.02.09). Review titled Holder ikke mål (literally: Doesn’t measure up). IdaLou Larsen, idalou.org, 28.10.2010, http://www.idalou.no/pub/idalou/kritikker/?aid=531

wikipedia, wikipedia.org, 28.10.2010, http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kreasjonisme

Contributors (12)
Name Role
Marius Kolbenstvedt – Concept/Idea
Marius Kolbenstvedt – Direction
Bjørn Bolstad Skjelbred – Music
Marius Kolbenstvedt – Actor
Nina Ossavy – Actor
Pia Maria Roll – Actor
Bjørn Bolstad Skjelbred – Actor
George Kentros – Musician (Fiolin)
Eirik Raude – Musician (Slagverk)
Marius Kolbenstvedt – Producer
Mari Ramberg Movold – Producer
Ingebjørg Torgersen – Consultant (Regi)
Performance dates
February 15, 2009 20:30 – Lille scene (Marstrandgata), Black box teater Show
February 14, 2009 20:30 – Lille scene (Marstrandgata), Black box teater Show
February 13, 2009 20:30 – Lille scene (Marstrandgata), Black box teater Show
February 12, 2009 20:30 – Lille scene (Marstrandgata), Black box teater Show
February 11, 2009 20:30 – Lille scene (Marstrandgata), Black box teater Show
February 10, 2009 20:30 – Lille scene (Marstrandgata), Black box teater Worldwide premiere
Press coverage

"Those with an ear for new music will be able to experience Evilution? as some kind of absurd stage concert, while others can be entertained by the musical switches between ironic distance and violently emotional involvement. But the musical acts are placed in a barren contrast to the text and as a whole the production is simply boring."

Larsen, IdaLou (17.02.09). Review titled Holder ikke mål (literally: Doesn’t measure up). IdaLou Larsen, idalou.org, 28.10.2010, http://www.idalou.no/pub/idalou/kritikker/?aid=531