Postillonen i Lonjumeau


(Objekt ID 78271)
Object type Production
Premiere October 31, 1841
Produced by Christiania Theatre
Based on Postiljonen i Lonjumeau by Léon Lévy Brunswick, Adolphe de Leuven, Adolphe Adam
Audience Adults
Number of events 27
Language Norwegian and Danish
Keywords Opera
Running period 1841  —  1893
Contributors (5)
Name Role
Léon Lévy Brunswick – Libretto
Adolphe de Leuven – Libretto
Paul Holmsen – Translation (1892)
Thomas Overskou – Translation (1841)
Adolphe Adam – Composition
Performance dates
January 2, 1892Christiania Theater, Christiania Theatre New opening
October 31, 1841Christiania Theater, Christiania Theatre Opening night