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Playbill from The Norwegian Theatre's production Kjærleik* (Love) (1940) pdf 1940 Download

Kjærleik* (Love)

Kjærleik* (Love) (1940) was a theatre production by The Norwegian Theatre, based on a play by Kaj Munk. The production was performed in the theatre's facilities in Bøndenes Hus.

Knut Hergel directed it.

Harald Heide Steen played the role of the priest Einar Kargo.

The production was last performed April 8, 1940. April 9 the theatre shut due to the German invasion of Norway.

*Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


(Objekt ID 78122)
Object type Production
Premiere March 14, 1940
Produced by The Norwegian Theatre
Based on Kjærleik* (Love) AKA Kjærlighet* (Love) by Kaj Munk
Audience Adults
Number of events 29
Language Norwegian Nynorsk
Keywords Theatre, Drama, 2nd World War
Running period March 14, 1940  —  April 8, 1940


Repertoire at The Norwegian Theatre 1913-2014. Transferred to Sceneweb 08.09.2015.

The National Library of Norway, playbill transferred to Sceneweb 04.10.2017.

Performance dates
March 14, 1940Bøndenes Hus / Nynorskens Hus, The Norwegian Theatre National premiere, Norway