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Festivalprogram for Vinterlys 2019 pdf 2019 Download

Tordis + Alfred = Toralv

Tordis + Alfred = Toralv (2017) is an autobiographical storytelling theatre production by Toralv Maurstad and Rune Alver. The production is performed as a visiting performance at different theatres and other venues.

Toralv Maurstad has written the text, and performs it.

Rune Alver plays the music of the performance.


(Objekt ID 77635)
Object type Production
Premiere 2017
Audience Adults
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre
Running period 2017  

At the webpage of The National Stage the following, among other things, is written about Tordis + Alfred = Toralv:

"The production Tordis + Alfred = Toralv offers insights into the theatre family and how it was to grow up with the famous actors Tordis Maurstad from Kristiansund and Alfred Maurstad from Nordfjord as parents. In their home, everything was about theatre. Roles were rehearsed in intense interaction with the actors' own lives and feelings. Still, that the son was to become an actor was not a given.

The production tells the story of how this happened and how Toralv Maurstad's own career as an actor developed.

With a music-loving mother and a father who was a virtuoso on Hardanger fiddle, music was always central onstage and in the home. Pianist Rune Alver is responsible for the musical contributions to the performance."


The National Stage, www.dns.no, 15.09.17, http://www.dns.no/program/2017/tordis-plus-alfred-=-toralf/

Contributors (5)
Name Role
Toralv Maurstad – Playwright
Toralv Maurstad – Actor
Rune Alver – Musician
Rune Alver – Producer
Toralv Maurstad – Producer
Performance dates
February 15, 2019Sal 1, Kinoteateret, Nordland Theatre (Vinterlys) Show
2017 Worldwide premiere
Festivals (1)
Vinterlys February 15, 2019