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Forestillingsprogram for Det Norske Teatrets produksjon Eventyr på fotturen (1942) pdf May 22, 1942 Download

Eventyr på fotturen


(Objekt ID 77631)
Object type Production
Premiere May 22, 1942
Produced by The Norwegian Theatre
Based on Eventyr paa Fodreisen / Eventyr på fotturen by Jens Christian Hostrup
Audience Adults
Number of events 29
Language Norwegian Nynorsk
Keywords light opera, Theatre, 2nd World War
Running period May 22, 1942  
Contributors (15)
Name Role
Jens Christian Hostrup – Playwright
Halldis Moren Vesaas – Translation
Alf Sommer – Direction
Adolf Kristoffer Nielsen – Musical direction
Arne Walentin – Stage design
Edvard Drabløs – Actor (Assessor Svale på Strandberg)
Helge Essmar – Actor (Vermund)
Jens Gunderssen – Actor (Eibæk)
Dagny Gurvin – Actor (Fru Krans)
Carl Habel – Actor (Per, ein bonde)
Nils Hald – Actor (Hans Mortensen)
Pehr Qværnstrøm – Actor (Krans)
Harald Heide Steen – Actor (Herløv)
Eva Strøm Aastorp – Actor (Johanne)
Aasta Voss – Actor (Laura)